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Discover the adventure of diving in Africa

Famous the world over for its wildlife reserves and thrilling safaris, Africa has more to offer its visitors than lions, giraffes, and elephants. With over 35,000 kilometers (nearly 20,000 miles) of coastline and some of the world’s largest lakes, there is no shortage of exciting dive sites in Africa. Divers of all levels can take their pick between the volcanic walls and well-preserved wrecks of the Atlantic Ocean on Africa’s west coast, the clear, warm waters of the Indian Ocean on its east coast, the Red Sea’s colorful reefs, or the beautiful diversity of the Mediterranean. And the freshwater diving of Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria is sure to thrill even the most seasoned diver. Diving in Africa has it all.

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Discover the World’s Most Fascinating Aquatic Life

Aquatic life under our oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams is amazing! From microscopic zooplankton to the largest animal on earth, the blue whale, underwater life comes in all possible shapes and sizes. With 71% of the earth being covered with water, it is no wonder we are so fascinated with what lies beneath the surface. In fact, scientists estimate that there are nearly 1 million different species of aquatic animals. Freshwater ecosystems are home mainly to fish, invertebrates, and reptiles, whereas the ocean contains a wide array of marine life including fish, mollusks, crustaceans, reptiles, sharks, and marine mammals like whales, dolphins, seals, and manatees.

Bottlenose Dolphin

Charismatic, curious, cute, and smart are all reasons the bottlenose dolphin is the most well-known of the dolphins. The upward curvature of their mouths gives them the appearance of always smiling and their extreme intelligence makes them the easiest cetacean to train. Combine this with their friendly looks and it’s no wonder why they are the stars of most aquarium shows and many Hollywood movies. Not only do people have access to viewing them at most aquariums around the world, they are also the most common dolphin found in the wild, living in temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical waters all around the globe in almost every type of habitat.

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With over 500 different species of rays identified, this group of cartilaginous fish are more varied then their cousin the shark. Stingrays derive their name from their long, skinny tails, many of which have poisonous stingers used for self-defense. Due to these predominant stingers, please take caution when diving or walking through waters with stingrays. As long as you keep a safe distance, you can experience beautiful dives with them. They are mostly found on the seabed where they hide under the sand and feed on fish, crabs, worms, snails, and other mollusks.

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Green Turtle

The green sea turtle, also known as the green, black, or Pacific green turtle, is one of the largest species of sea turtles and has a wide population distribution throughout the world’s tropical and subtropical seas. There are two distinct populations in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, but they can be found throughout the Indian Ocean as well. They are unique in that they are the only species that are strict herbivores as adults, feeding mostly on algae, seagrass, and seaweed.

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Loggerhead Turtle

Loggerhead sea turtles are easily recognizable by their very large heads, giving them their name. Unlike many of the other species, loggerhead’s shells do not have ridges, giving it a smooth appearance, another distinguishing characteristic of these strong jawed hunters. These large, solid bodied swimmers are primarily carnivorous feeding mostly on shellfish like clams, conchs, crabs, and other invertebrates. They have one of the widest distributions of all the sea turtle species and can be found in both temperate and tropical regions of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. In fact, they have been reported as far north as Alaska and as far south as Chile in the eastern Pacific.

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