A new wreck near Murter

A fantastic dive also for beginners

Several wrecks are known around Murter (Francesca, Gladiator, Plic Grmeni ...) and Najada Diving offers some of the best dive sites at these wrecks. However, with the exception of the wreck parts of Misi, they all have one disadvantage: they are all around or even below 40m of depth. So the wreck diving sites are only accessible to experienced divers.

This year, in February, a ferry in front of the island of Prvic collided with a cargo ship which sank immediately. The wreck now lies at a depth of ca. 15-20m. Thankfully, all crew members of the Plavi Jadran (Blue Adriatic) were able to leave the sinking ship without any harm. The team of Najada Diving tried to dive the new wreck immediately at the beginning of the season, but had to refrain from it, as it was closed by the authorities until the clarification of the accident. It has now been released since a couple of weeks and is already a popular destination for diving trips.

Of course, the Francesca – covered with a yellow demosponge - is a fascinating sight. But it is also interesting to dive into a wreck where you can still find coffee cups, garments and diverse tools… lying around just as if the crew had left the ship a moment ago. Viewing some of the pictures of inside the wreck you really have to look twice to realize that it is an underwater photo.

Experienced divers will also enjoy Plavi Jadran as a second dive, after a dive down to the gladiator (which is very close) where they can relax and still have a decent wreck dive.