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According to legend, the goddess Aphrodite was born off the coast of Cyprus from the foam produced by Uranu...
cypruscaves and wrecksspecialTechnical DivingSSI News
First dive to the wreck on "Oman Explorers" New Year's Eve trip The British Cargo Steamer "City of Winchest...
caves and wrecksomancity of winchesterTechnical Diving
A very special kind of wreckThe maximum depth for a dive to the Mimosa wreck is only 15 meters. Ideal for b...
caves and wrecksspecialomanMimosa wreckTechnical Diving
Wreckdiving: SS Empire HeritageThe deep crystal-clear waters off Malin Head in Ireland were once a navigati...
Irelandcaves and wrecksgreat britainTechnical Diving
Part 3: SS JusticiaThe deep crystal-clear waters off Malin Head in Ireland were once a navigation route for...
Part 2: HMS AudaciousThe deep crystal-clear waters off Malin Head in Ireland were once a navigation route f...
Antique ship had loaded amphoraeIn the sea off Protaras, Cyprus, an ancient wreck was recently discovered. ...
cypruscaves and wrecksspecialTechnical Diving
Better protection for historic wrecksFor some years, systematic archaeological investigations have been car...
Maltacaves and wrecksspecialTechnical Diving
Wreckdiving in IrelandThe deep crystal-clear waters off Malin Head in Ireland were once a navigation route ...
Wreck DivingThe well-preserved wreck of the former passenger ship and later troop carrier Le Polynesien fro...
Maltacaves and wrecksTechnical Diving
In 2014, members of a diving club on Texel Island in the Netherlands found sunken treasure in a shipwreck o...
wreckdivingtreasureTexel Islandcaves and wrecksTechnical Diving
Come 25 April 2016, guests at the Angsana Ihura in the Maldives can take part in a special 24-hour scuba di...
wreckdivingmaldivesRannamaariscubacaves and wrecksspecialTechnical DivingSSI News
On 5 October 2014, Denmark's last train ferry was sunk in a controlled scuttling at the South Funen Archipe...
wreckdivingartificial reefÆrøsundcaves and wrecksspecialTechnical Diving
Columbian president announces discovery via Twitter This was the simple announcement by Columbian Presiden...
wreckColumbiaSan Josecaves and wrecksTechnical Diving
HEPCA takes action to protect wreck For 15 days in January 2016, the famous Thistlegorm wreck in the Red...
wreckHEPCAred seaThistlegormHurghadaEgyptcaves and wrecksTechnical Diving
A 80cm long cannon was among the treasures recovered from a 19th century Spanish wreck off the southern coa...
wreckoceantreasurecaves and wrecksTechnical Diving
Diving a Super-Sized Wreck The Zenobia wreck is legendary. Often regarded as one of the world's ten most...
cypruszenobiawreckdivingcaves and wrecksspecialTechnical Diving