FEET FIRST DIVE Newcastle & Nelson Bay
97 Stockton St, 2315, NELSON BAY
Enjoy diving the beautiful temperate waters of Nelson Bay, Port Stephens - with a huge variety of stunning dives from our boat or shore; we offer sites & training schedules to suit any divers needs.
You can venture out on our Double Boat Dives to Broughton Island’s Grey Nurse Shark colony, dive the famous Looking Glass Isle, explore our historic wrecks, & experience regular sightings of seals, dolphins, (seasonal) whales, & turtles, to create a trip you’ll never forget.
The exceptional shore dives in Port Stephens Great Lakes Marine Park offer the security of safer sites (less boat traffic), with ocean encounters like no other. Meet our friendly blue Groupers, watch schooling fish, study our Dwarf Ornate Wobbegongs, awe at our pelagics swimming by, or simply grab your camera & lose yourself in our macro world. With over 200 species of Nudibranchs, anglerfish, a high concentration of White’s seahorses, thorny cowfish, & yellow boxfish, your camera just won’t stop clicking.
- Ecology
- 循环呼吸器
- 水肺
- 浮潜潜水员
- 扩展范围(XR)
维修 /保养
- 浮力补偿装置
- 电脑
- 干式防寒衣
- 氯丁胶潜服
- 循环呼吸器
- 调节器
- 气瓶
- 船潜
- 特殊人群潜水
- 自由潜水
- 岸潜
- 沉船潜水
- 技术潜水
- 浮潜之旅