6 New Year’s Resolutions for Scuba Divers
January 6, 20232023 is here and you might be starting to think about your resolutions for this new year. If you are a scuba diver who loves the ocean, wants to continue learning, and dreams about colorful corals and marvelous marine life, we have some goals for you to take into 2023.
Check out our 6 New Year’s resolutions for scuba divers.
1.Reuse, Reduce, Recycle,
If you only choose one resolution for 2023, we hope it is this one. Around 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die every year from plastic pollution in the ocean. As divers, we get to see the underwater world first-hand, so we know better than anyone how important it is to lower these numbers.
There are many ways that we can try to reduce the amount of plastic making its way to the sea. The first is to reuse things more. This includes:
- Reusing clothes or buying from second hand stores to avoid purchasing new clothes that contain microplastics and use excessive water to produce
- Reusing tupperware, jars, bags when storing leftovers, instead of using single use items
- Reuse cutlery, cups and plates when you go on picnics to avoid using single use items
- Purchase a reusable coffee cup instead of buying single use cups from cafes
- Purchase a reusable water bottle that can be refilled instead of buying plastic water bottles
- Visit refill stores to stock up on basics such as flour, rice, pasta, laundry detergents, soaps etc.
The next way to help our oceans is to reduce the amount of waste that we are creating. This includes:
- Buying items in packaging that can be recycled to reduce single use waste
- Reduce the amount of water you are using in your home by showering quicker and doing less loads of laundry
- Grow your own food or shop locally to reduce your fuel emissions that contribute to global warming
- Reduce the amount of new clothes you buy
- Reduce your fuel emissions by carpooling, and walking or cycling more
- Reduce the amount of cleaning chemicals you are using in your home by switching to natural alternatives. Chemicals in cleaning products make their way to lakes and seas and poison aquatic life
- Reduce the amount of meat you consume. The livestock industry is responsible for around 60% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.
Finally, recycling what you can will make a difference to the health of the planet. Make sure to:
- Check labels and packaging to make sure what you are buying is recyclable
- Recycle correctly by checking your local guidelines on how to separate recyclables and where to take them
- Recycle batteries at designated places
- Choose glass or aluminum instead of plastic when buying sodas as these materials are more easily recycled.
Although recycling is helpful, it is important to note that it is not a quick fix for the planet. Not all plastics are recyclable, and many items you put in your recycling bin do not actually make it to being recycled because they might be contaminated by oils or other substances. Recycling should be a last resort, buying reusable packaging or reducing our waste is the best way to help the planet and its oceans.
And here are our top 7 Eco-friendly Gifts for Divers (divessi.com)
2. Organize/attend one cleanup event every month
An easy but impactful resolution is to attend cleanup events. Many dive schools and charities organize regular beach cleanups that you can join in the water or on the shore. If you do not live near the coast, check to see if there are forest or park cleanups in your area. If not, why not organize your own? Get a few of the locals together to do something good for the planet and make new friends who are passionate about the environment.
3. Watch more ocean themed TV
Okay this is a resolution we know you can keep up… we all love a good movie night!
A great way to feel connected to the ocean is to watch ocean themed documentaries such as My Octopus Teacher, Blue Planet, and The Rescue. Some great movies set in the ocean include The Big Blue and Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. Cozy up on the couch and get inspired to book your next dive vacation!
Need a few more suggestions? Check out our top 9 inspiring ocean documentaries.
4. Eat less fish
A resolution that can help keep our oceans rich and healthy is to reduce the amount of seafood you eat. Industrialized fishing practices threaten marine life worldwide. Fishing boats the size of football pitches head out for weeks or months at a time to catch thousands of tonnes of fish on every trip. One technique they use is to drag mile-long nets behind the boats that scoop up the fish. Not only is this unsustainable, it is also detrimental to other marine species. These nets do not only catch the fish they are aiming for, they also capture, injure, or kill around 250,000 turtles, 300,000 sea birds, and 650,000 marine mammals every year. In fact, it is estimated that of all the creatures caught using commercial fishing practices each year, around 40% is unintentional. If you cannot cut out fish completely, try to find out where your fish is coming from, and choose small, more sustainable fishing practices that catch fish that are high in populations.
6 of the Largest Marine Protected Areas in the World (divessi.com)
5. Try something new
A fun resolution would be to expand on your scuba diving knowledge and experience. Why not sign up for a new course? Or a specialty? You could improve on your buoyancy by choosing the Perfect Buoyancy specialty, or learn about Marine Ecology. There is always something new to learn in scuba diving.
Find out What to Expect From the New SSI Marine Mammal Ecology Course.
6. Spread the love of diving
As you already know, scuba diving is fun, exciting, interesting, challenging, and it allows you to explore parts of the world that other’s never will. As tempting as it might be to keep it all to ourselves, we think we should spread the love and encourage everyone to try scuba diving. Show friends and family clips and photos from your latest dive vacation and they will be itching to sign up to give it a try.
Do you know someone who has a birthday coming up? A Try Scuba course makes the present… Give the gift of exploration. And you can even share your passion with your children here are our 7 Reasons Why Your Child Should start Scuba Diving (divessi.com).
Want more? Here is a bonus new year’s resolution for you: Why not use the year to become a better dive buddy? Check out our blog on How to be the best dive buddy you can be.