10 Easy Ways to go Plastic Free
July 21, 2022You love the ocean you are diving in, right? You enjoy seeing the fascinating fish and the colorful corals. So of course, you strive to keep the oceans clean, to create a healthier and happier ocean for future generations to enjoy. Unfortunately, 100,000 marine mammals die everyyear from plastic pollution, and plastics take 500-1000 years to degrade… meaning we should be using much less of them. Dive into our top ten ways to go plastic free and become part of the solution today!
Here are 10 easy ways you can go plastic free:
1. Use glass containers for takeout and leftovers.
Glass jars and storage containers are a great way to store leftovers. You can also use them in restaurants to put your leftovers in to avoid nasty Styrofoam containers.
If you have some Tupperware containers, they are a great choice as well. Yes, they are made of plastic, but you can use them many times. When they wear out, simply replace them with glass containers.
If ordering food, try to ask restaurants what kind of takeout containers they use. If they are made from single-use plastic:
- Ask if you can bring your own containers for it to be put into instead.
- Or find an alternative restaurant that offers an eco-friendlier option.
Many businesses are seeing the importance of sustainability and are trying to be more eco-conscious.
Choose the ethical businesses to show you appreciate their efforts. Hopefully, this will encourage others to follow suit and go plastic free.
2. Reuse what you have.
Recycling is a great option for plastic that has been used, but 91 percent of plastic is not recycled. So, avoiding using plastic where possible is a much better way to go.
Try these simple swaps to go plastic free:
- Use reusable bags for your trips to the store.
- Take reusable plates, cups, and cutlery on picnics.
- If you enjoy drinking with a straw, choose reusable ones made of bamboo and steel.
- Need that caffeine boost in the morning? Reusable coffee cups and flasks are widely available.
There are numerous great alternatives to plastic and some businesses will even reward you for your efforts. Many coffee shops now offer a discount for bringing your reusable cup!
3. Support refill stores.
Refill stores are becoming huge, with many opening up all over the world. They have most of the essentials you would buy from a regular store, including pasta, rice, sauces, sugar, flour, and lots more food options.
Many refill stores stock things like shampoo, soap, laundry detergent, and dish soap, too.
You just take in your jars and fill them up with what you need. Easy!
Google if there is a refill store near to you, you might be surprised how close one is, and start your journey to go plastic free.
4. Switch to a bamboo toothbrush.
We all use toothbrushes, and we all replace them every few months.According to the American Dental Association, one billion plastic toothbrushes are thrown away each year in the United States alone.
That is a lot of plastic being thrown in the trash on a regular basis. Some genius came up with a toothbrush that is made from bamboo so that you can have a guilt-free, gleaming smile.
You can find bamboo toothbrushes online and even in some supermarkets.
5. Choose beeswax wrap.
Plastic wrap is not recyclable, and with toxins that can leach out into your food, it is potentially harmful to your body too.
Enter beeswax wrap; a reusable, eco-friendly, toxin-free wrap that can be used to cover your leftovers.
With proper care, beeswax wrap can be reused for around one year.
Not only will you be saving the oceans, but you will also save money on the plastic wrap you would have restocked your kitchen with.
6. Buy unwrapped fruit and veg.
Many stores cover an orange or a banana in plastic wrap to get a few more days of shelf life out of it. Fruit and vegetables do not need to be covered in plastic!
Make a point of telling your local store that you will not purchase plastic-covered fruit and vegetables and encourage others to avoid them too.
You can get mesh bags that are great when buying groceries. Loose fruit and vegetables can be weighed in the mesh bag and taken home without any plastic involvement.
If your usual store only offers plastic-covered fruit and vegetables, try your local greengrocer, who usually has the items loose.
7. Try shampoo bars.
Shampoo bars are amazing! Numerous people are ditching plastic bottles and buying their shampoo in the form of a bar, just like soap.
Lots of companies are transforming your favorite shampoos into bars to be more eco-friendly. You can also go plastic free by switching to solid conditioner bars and body washes as well.
Many come with a little metal case so you can keep it dry in between washes and travel with your shampoo bar easily.
You wet the bar and lather it up in your hands to wash your hair. It works just as well as liquid shampoo and leaves your hair fresh and clean.
8. Change to reusable razors.
This is one you might not have heard about; most people use disposable razors thinking they are their only option.
However, you can buy a reusable, metal handle for your razor, and just replace the blades.
Most big stores have reusable razors on sale, and they give a closer shave once you get the hang of them.
You might also consider switching to an epilator, wax, or an electric shaver to avoid any waste at all.
9. Fish responsibly.
Do you like to go out to the lake or sea for a day of fishing? Catching your dinner is a great feeling.
However, according to a report by Greenpeace, abandoned fishing equipment makes up the majority of plastic that is in the ocean today… 640,000 tons tobe precise.
This includes nets, lines, pots, and traps. Of course, commercial fishing is the main culprit, but we can all do our part to get that number down.
Always remember to take your gear home and do not leave anything on the beach or in the sea.
10. Be an advocate!
This is something you can do to help the whole world go plastic free... Spread the word!
Encourage your friends and family to ditch single-use plastics with you and explain the reasons why it is so important to be using less plastic.
11. Become a member of the SSI Blue Oceans community.
People who join Blue Oceans vow to show environmental awareness, avoid garbage, interact responsibly with the underwater world, and use resources responsibly.
The Blue Ocean movement strives to educate the community on environmental problems.
It supports the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic environments, including oceans, seas, coasts, and waterways, and their magnificent diversity of plant and animal species.
You might think that giving up a few bits of plastic does not make much difference to the planet, but that is not true.
If everyone just tries a little harder to break bad habits and create new, sustainable ones, it will have a huge effect on the world.
Your actions and choices can create healthier oceans, which means cleaner air, and healthier people.
You love the ocean you are diving in, right? You enjoy seeing the fascinating fish and the colorful corals. So of course, you strive to keep the oceans clean, to create a healthier and happier ocean for future generations to enjoy. Unfortunately, 100,000 marine mammals die everyyear from plastic pollution, and plastics take 500-1000 years to degrade… meaning we should be using much less of them. Dive into our top ten ways to go plastic free and become part of the solution today!