Diving in Juan Fernández Archipelago

The Juan Fernández archipelago is home to famed Robinson Crusoe Island and also includes Selkirk and Santa Clara islands. If you are looking to get off the beaten track, this is the place! Discovered in 1574, these islands offer rugged scenery set against the deep blue Pacific Ocean. These islands are a hotspot for endemic species, with 62% of the Juan Fernández marine life found nowhere else on earth. The crystal-clear water offers those diving in Juan Fernández unique encounters with the South American fur seal, 422 species of fish, golden lobsters, crabs, underwater sand dunes, coral reefs, and pinnacles. Direct flights are available from Chile’s capital, Santiago.

The descriptions provided here are intended as general information and personal experiences related to specific dive sites and locations and should not be construed as definitive advice or recommendations. Before diving, please confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location, and comply with all relevant local laws, regulations, and posted signage. The responsibility for verifying the legality of the dive and assessing any associated risks rests entirely with you.