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Dive sites nearby


Commercial Aircraft sunk on purpose as an attraction and to form an artificial reef. Penetration is possible for those suitably qualified, varying in depth from 16-32m.

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Sun boat and amphibian vehicles סנבואט והכלים האמפיביים

This site consists of a set of vehicles and metal structures sunk to create an artificial reef. The amphibious vehicles are close to the Sun Boat wreck and can be visited together or as separate dives. The visibility may not always be good but is still worth the dive.

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Pyramid - פרמידה

The Pyramid is an artificial reef created in 1992 consisting of 2 metal pyramids: a large pyramid with the tip reaching 18 meters (54 feet) and, inside of it, a smaller pyramid reaching 23 meters (70 feet). The sandy bottom is at 31 meters (104 feet). If diving from shore, good air consumption and navigation are required.

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Canyon Dekel South - קניון חוף הדקל

A nice, wide canyon starting at 20 meters (60 feet) and dropping to 35 meters (115 feet) with great corals on both sides and a sandy bottom. An easy dive as the canyon is accessible from shore.

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First Bay North

The most northerly site within the Marine Park boundaries. A place suitable for all levels with a fantastic abundance of hard and soft corals. The site is punctuated by deeper canyons that can, either, be swam across or the natural layout can be followed.

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Katza Eilat קצאא אילת

Kattza is an inactive pier that was used for pumping oil from tankers. The site was open for diving and swimming in 2016. Over the years very nice corals have grown around the pillars holding the pier which are now full of life. You can also encounter one of the Dolphin Reef’s curious dolphins that come to visit.

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Dekel Beach, Eilat - חוף הדקל

Dekel Beach is a relatively shallow dive with sandy bottom and many coral pinnacles. Most of the time the visibility is good and you can spot the pinnacles from a distance and swim to them. The depth of the pinnacles range between 3 meters (9 feet) to 12 meters (36 feet).

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Dolphins Reefדולפין ריף

Dolphin Reef is a a privately owned site and beach where a group of dolphins are being raised; however, the dolphins are free and not restricted. You can book guided dives, snorkeling, or introductory dives for uncertified divers.

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Mosh Beach, Eilat - החוף של מוש

A very nice site with a variety of options for all levels. Beginners can do a shallow dive in the sandy area around beautiful pinnacles. More experienced divers can do deeper dives where, at 20 meters (60 feet) beautiful corals can be found.

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המסעדה התת-ימית The underwater restaurant

Probably the northern most coral reef in the world, Kisosky Beach is a shallow site providing great macro opportunities around the reef near shore and around an underwater restaurant. During the weekends there are a lot of sea sports activities so extra care needs to be taken when surfacing.

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