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Dive sites nearby

Top Shelf

Top Shelf is a coral reef shelf which starts at 25m and drops down to over 40m. Currents are often flowing here and more experienced divers will enjoy the show.

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Eagle’s Nest

Eagles Nest’s is a wall dive located just 15 minutes by boat. With a dramatic drop and spectacular hard corals, this site is a fantastic, easy dive site.

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Patu Gogo

Patu Gogo is a protected sloping reef that descends to 25m. This site is full of coral gullies, canyons, and pinnacles, making it an ideal site for less experienced divers who want to see all the beauty of a pristine, healthy reef.

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Blue Pyjamas

A delightful tranquil dive site that is well protected from the southeast Tradewinds. This is a sloping coral reef beginning at 2 meters descending to over forty meters. Excellent for snorkeling, freediving, and scuba. This site is approximately 15 minutes from the dive shop.

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Susu Hite

Susu Hite is a picture-perfect little tropical island with a gentle, sloping reef. Our favorite night dive spot and home to an abundance of critters, Susu Hite is an easy dive located just 15 minutes from Dive Munda.

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Barry’s Breakfast

A fifteen minute boat ride from the dive shop, Barry’s Breakfast is a relaxed dive starting at 25m following along a wall where pelagic action can be seen out in the blue. We work our way to Susu Hite island, along a shallower reef fringing the island.

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The Pond

Another reef dive close to Barry’s Breakfast, the Pond is a sloping reef and home to a huge diversity of marine life. Only 15 minutes from the dive shop, this is an excellent site.

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Munda Bar

Munda Bar is a gentle reef slope with lots of healthy hard and soft corals all along the wall. Located only 15 minutes from the dive shop, it is a beautiful, relaxed dive.

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Munda is a confined water training site on Hopei Island. The site is only 10 minutes from the dive shop and is a gentle sandy slope, reaching a maximum depth of 5m.

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Mitsubishi G3M ’Nell’ (Wreck)

This Mitsubishi G3M “Nell“ bomber is only 5 mins from the dive shop. The plane lies in only 6m of water and remains mostly intact, so makes for a fascinating dive or snorkel for wreck enthusiasts.

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