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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Baixa do Carneiro

Approximately 25 meters from the stairs to the sea at Complexo Balnear do Lido. A fall whose top is just 5 meters deep and descends to 18 meters. It allows excellent diving in “home reefs” for all levels of divers.

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VidaMar House Reef

VidaMar house Reef is a shore dive with easy accessibility and is available to all divers from beginners to advanced divers.The good visibility, no current, and ease of access make this spot an excellent first dive in Madeira. It also offers an amazing night dive!

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Azul House Reef

Azul House Reef is a beautiful dive full of fantastic biodiversity. What makes this site special, however, is the volcanic caves and rock formations. The bottom topography changes throughout the dive from sand and rocks to isolated blocks of coral and even caves. This is an exciting site for beginners and experienced divers alike, with a max depth of 18 meters.

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Naufrágio (Corceira) Corveta Afonso Cerqueira

The corvette „Afonso Cerqueira“ was sunk on 04.09.2018 in front of the island Madeira. It is now a big attraction as artificial reef for divers and freedivers. All decks and rooms are accessible. The Wreck is 85 Meter long and rest in a depth of 12 - 33 Meters.

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This site is one of the most popular dive sites on Madeira Island, located around 100 meters offshore. The sea bed consists of a sandy bottom where huge rock formations lie creating the perfect environment for the famous Dusky grouper.

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Baía dos Porcos

One of the most popular and beautiful dive sites in Madeira. The entrance is at 8 meters and the exit at 18 meters. You can expect a wonderful play of colors of the light reflections.

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Areal da Lapa

Diving site located next to the famous Calhau da Lapa but explores the sandy part of the Calhau (between the rocks and the sand). This dive is done by boat and follows a slope with the possibility of seeing different types of rays and fish.

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The reef is located directly in the underwater park of Madeira and is also called “Amphitheatre““. The diving depths vary between 10 and 24 meters.

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Lavafinger - Galo

The dive site is located directly at the dive center and the entrance is well suited for beginners. Whether you explore the small cave, search the wall for sea creatures, or undertake an anemone tour, there is much to discover here.

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The dive site is located directly at the bay Galo Resort and the entrance via ladder is well suited for beginners. Entry can be challenging with waves. You can explore the small cave, search the wall for sea creatures, or undertake an anemone tour, there is much to discover here.

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