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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Valovine 1

By anchoring along the coast, we dive to the sandy sea bottom. We move south, following the ridge on the left while gradually descending to 18 - 20 meters deep. This location is characterized by excellent visibility and an abundance of fish such as mediterannean chromis, salemas and saddled seabreams.

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Valovine 2

Either following the reef right shoulder starting from Valovine 1, or entering the water on the western side of the peninsula going southeast, you reach the spot Valovine 2.

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Hippocampus House Reef 1

This dive site is suited to all types of divers and all categories. Diving takes place along the seashore at the Stoja Auto Camp located at the northern cape.

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Galebove Stijene

With the maximum depth of 14m, this dive site is suitable for all levels of experience. With tunnels, arches, caverns and canyons, this location is very dynamic and is never guided the same way twice. You can enjoy exploring the outside area before entering a 70m long tunnel that ends with a cave and a small beach.

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The former military base near Pula offers an interesting dive on its southern part. We start the dive shallow and follow the ridge to the right. In the middle of the dive, we go through an attractive natural tunnel from a deeper part into a shallow lagoon, surrounded by high rocks.

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The Beach

Starting from the small beach in the bay, the sloping reef gets to a max. depth of around 20 to 22m. Following the reef on your right shoulder starting from the beach you find three steps from 3 to 6, from 6 to 9 and from 9 to 11 meters, which makes it a perfect location for Discovery Dives.

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We dive along the west side of the Verudela peninsula. The reef is located near the anchorage site and follows the coast in parallel. We dive right of the wall, which drops steeply up to 25 m deep.

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This dive site consists of a fairly short wall, 100m long, located alongside a hotel beach. Diving is mostly conducted in one direction, and the gradual slope makes it easy to select the depth you want.

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Orca Housereef

Situated below Hotel Park Plaza Histria, “Yacht“ Bar and Restaurant, directly below the ORCA Diving Center . Depth 2-8 m/ 6- 25 ft. Rowing Boat Wreck in shallow part of reef, great for night dive.

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Two Towers

The most relaxing dive you’ll even experience! With the reef slowly descending into a sandy bottom on 18-19m, this location is perfect for all experience levels. Lots of holes for exploring.

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