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Dive sites nearby

Koino Ura

Koino Ura is a diving spot in Fukutsu City overlooking the Genkai Sea, which is easily accessible from both Kitakyushu and Fukuoka. This coast is famous for the sea turtles comes to lay eggs in July. This site is often used for beginner courses because it is easy to enter and exit.

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Iki Island

Located in the Genkai Sea, this island is 17 km from north to south and 14 km from east to west in the middle of Kyushu and Tsushima. The dynamic roots, colorful coral, and plankton carried by the current attract much fish. There is also a point where there are many mysterious megaliths that look like they were carved out by humans.

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Shikanoshima Island

This island takes about 45 minutes from the center of Fukuoka by car. The island is located in the northern part of Hakata Bay and is connected to the mainland by a sandbar. It is one of the most popular diving spots in Fukuoka and is often used for beginners’ courses.

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Omijima Island

Qinghai Island is a national park and is an inhabited island connected to the mainland by a bridge. There are two gravel beaches that offer boat diving, and since the two beaches are in opposite directions, they are rarely cancelled due to weather.

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Kujyukushima Islands

Kujuku Island in Nagasaki Prefecture is a sea area dotted with islands that stretches 25 kilometers north of Sasebo Port, and is said to have the highest density of islands in Japan. The diving can be divided into the nearby Kujuku Islands area and the expedition area.

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Goto Islands

It takes about 90 minutes by boat from Nagasaki to the Goto Islands, which are made up of more than 140 islands of various sizes floating about 130 km west of Nagasaki. The coastline is intricate, so there are plenty of diving spots.

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Mutsu (Wreck)

The only sunken battleship of the Japanese Navy that can be seen in Japan, sinking on Katsura Island in Yamaguchi Prefecture in the Seto Inland Sea. It is 224 meters long and 34 meters wide and sits at a depth of 40 meters to 10 meters.

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Fukashima Island

Fukashima, the southernmost island in Oita Prefecture, is a small island with a population of about 30 people, located about 9 km south of Kamae Port. There are nearly 100 cats on the island, but most of them are not domestic cats, but island cats. Two islands, one in the south and the other in the north, are connected by a central sandbar that looks like a gourd from the air. You may even encounter dolphins and turtles while traveling on the island. Underwater, you’ll find dynamic terrain, beautiful coral reefs and colorful soft coral beds.

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Located in the western part of Ehime Prefecture, Akihama is a beautifully scenic sea with a rias-style coast and a fine white sandy beach of about 300m in length. You can enjoy a wide range of life forms, from macro to migratory and rooted large fish.

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1 Gochi Ohanabatake

This is the first site in the National Park Marine Protected Area, the “Flower Garden site #1“. It is a special dive site that is difficult to anchor and can be dived by drift diving; it is easy to dive safely in the shallow range of 5m-12m, but the current is often too fast, so choose the sea conditions and go there when it is not a problem.

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