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Dive sites nearby

épave du Liban

On 17 June 1903, less than an hour after leaving the port of Marseille for Bastia, the liner was rammed on the starboard bow by the Insular, returning from Toulon with about forty passengers on board and preparing to enter the roadstead near the Ile Maïre.

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Les Pharillons

The Pharillons are located at the southern tip of Maïre Island, they are two rocks. A beautiful drop off with two main arches and other smaller ones.

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grotte à corail

Situated to the south-west of Île Maïre, the cave has two main entrances at depths of between 12 and 9 metres, followed by a gentle drop to a depth of 25 metres.

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Ancre de Callelongue

Leaving from the little port of Callelongue in the heart of the Calanques National Park, accessible to all levels and starting from the shore. The site has all the depths and goes down to 16 m.

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Grotte de Callelongue

The Cave of Callelongue, located in the Calanques of Marseille, is a cave accessible from a depth of 15 metres, offering impressive rock formations and fascinating plays of light. It’s an ideal site for experienced divers looking for adventure and underwater exploration.

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Tiboulen de Maire

To the west of Tiboulen de Maïre, a cove sheltered from the easterly wind. A drop-off of up to 25 metres with boulders between 16 and 20 metres and a tunnel accessible only in calm seas between 8 and 4 metres.

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Cap jarront

Cap Jarron is a dive site for beginners to advanced divers, offering depths of up to 25 m. The clear waters and moderate currents make for pleasant exploration.

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Jarre jarron

Small cove created by the 2 islands, maximum depth 12 m. Mini passes between the 2 islands to get to the other side where there is a pretty little niche and a small platform between 3 and 8 metres. This continues on the left through a small canyon and a drop-off to a maximum depth of 25 metres.

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Grotte arc en ciel

The Grotte Arc-en-Ciel, located off the coast of Marseille, is an exceptional diving site accessible to intermediate to advanced divers. This underwater cave, located at a depth of between 7 and 15 metres, owes its name to the spectacular play of light created by the sun’s penetrating rays.

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Rocher de Briançon

Rocher de Briançon is a popular dive site for its picturesque underwater scenery and rich biodiversity. Accessible to advanced divers, this site offers depths ranging from 5 to 35 meters.

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