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Dive sites nearby

Galjoen Zonder Poen

Due to the location of the wreck, far from the shore, this wreck is a bit more difficult. You have to take deco times into account here. This is an ideal place to dive with nitrox. If you want to go to the wreck, do this at low tide because of the depth, otherwise you will find a sandy bottom and there is not much

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Kleine Stelle

The spot is named after the campsite, go into the water right across from the parking lot, disadvantage here is a fairly shallow sandbank, at low tide there is only a meter of water. 100 meters is the wall this consists of stones that are nicely overgrown, even at depths up to 25m. Advice is diving at high tide.

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De stelhoeve

A beautiful diving spot right in front of the holiday park situated on the dike. You can easily enter the water here and choose a side to dive depending on the current. High tide often has the best visibility.

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Stormezande is one of the many entrances on the dike of Wemeldingen. To the west you have Tetjes, to the east Groene Boei. The breakwater at low tide can be a tedious walk, at high tide you have to swim far before you see more than sand.

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Nieuwe Sluis - De Tetjes

You can enter the water from the beach in the corner between the left dam and the dike, on the point. Depending on the tide, you will dive left or right. The bottom here slopes down to a maximum of around 40 meters. Due to the shape of the edge, the current can make a rotating movement here and be a bit stronger.

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Wemeldinge Parking, Kattendijke

You can dive at Kattendijke at both high and low tide. From the parking lot, cross the road and enter the water. Depending on the tide, you dive to the left (ebb) or to the right (flood). You can make both shallower dives and dives up to 40m at Kattendijke.

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Gorishoek De Punt

Gorishoek with a max 40m not for every beginning diver. You enter the water at the point of the pier. The left side is a forbidden area for divers. Swim out along the pier, and then make a round. You can return along the other side, but be careful not to enter the shipping route for the harbor.

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Goese Sas

Here, at the Sas van Goes, because of the current, diving is only possible at low tide!!! Before the tide, you go slightly away from the shore, after the tide, slightly back towards the shore (at low tide). At high tide, you have the opposite. It is best not to dive here at high tide, this can be dangerous.

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Vuilnisbelt - Tuttelhoek

It is a beautiful place heavily vegetated between 3 and 15 meters, deeper there is less vegetation with a sandy bottom below 22-23 meters. Entering the water is a challenge here (diving at low tide is therefore not recommended here) and the current can sometimes be a bit stronger here.

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Putti’s Place

Putti’s place is deeper than the Goes lock and it can be quite currenty. Due to the various breakwaters you don’t always swim parallel to the shore and it is strongly advised to set your compass well and follow it! In the water it is shallow for a while, but soon you come to a wall that quickly runs to 25 and deep

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