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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Nonnenweier Vogelsee

The Nonnenweier is a very deep diving lake (more than 40 meters), in which a dredger still floats. Great lake, with lots of fish, steep walls.

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The Matschelsee is by far an exceptional lake in almost all areas. Deep diving up to 52 meters, as well as shallow dives with super beautiful plant growth is possible. A gem in all things and therefore "favorite lake" of many divers!

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Tunisee - Freiburg im Breisgau

10 minutes away from Freiburg, our dive center is located at the Tunisee. This former quarry pond is beautifully located at the campsite. The infrastructure of the campsite can be shared.

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Hidden in a small wooded area, not far from the river Rhine and thus in the flood plain, is the small Fohlengarten, not far from the Wachholderrain.

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Gravière du Fort

A diving site since 2009, it is located around 30 minutes from Strasbourg. It's a delight for beginners and advanced divers alike, with depths of up to 40m. Slopes, drop-offs, canyons and plateaus are all there to vary your dives.

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Plittersdorf Deglersee

There are two entrances in the form of a small slipway. These merge into a gravel pile and, thus, ensure an easy entry and exit. Here you should descend as quickly as possible to 5 meters, because the edge areas of the lake are a retreat for fish and water birds.

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The diving is a mobile container that allows diving at different locations. The container has two large windows. Some enjoy the diving experience inside, others sit in front and watch with pleasure! Entry is easy, via a ladder.

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Zollbrücke Rheinau

The entrance is via the embankment. At the bridge piers are often many fish hidden. In summer often a large catfish. Toilets are available

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Rheinau Felsen

Entry over the shore. The guidelines or restrictions of the municipality of Rheinau are mandatory. Beautiful place where you can also dive with beginners.

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Baggersee Leopoldshafen

The municipal council of Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen has regulated the shore zones. In addition to the existing users, there will also be a specially designated access for recreational divers at the lake.

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