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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Punta del Bisbe

Dive spot west of Isla de Aire, which is why it is part of the Marine Reserve. It is one of the liveliest dives in the Mahón area. There is a small but beautiful double level cavern, several tunnels through the rock and even a sailboat mast. The variety of elements makes it spectacular.

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Ses Olles

Dive spot from the coast, perfect for try scuba and courses, located near Binisafúller. A large sandbank surrounded by a rocky bottom where different species of fish live. Leaving the cove, it is possible to reach a depth of 10m. There, the bottom changes completely to rock and posidonia.

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Dive spot at the south of Isla del Aire. Ideal to take shelter when the north wind blows. It consists of a dive to see two caverns with exciting backlights, a little far from each other. Between the caverns, there is a series of rocky blocks with holes that hide a variety of animals.

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Coves d’en Marroquí

Dive spot at the south of the islet of Cagaires. We start the dive in a small bay from where we can cross through different arcs. Then, we continue south until we arrive to two big caverns with sandy bottom. There, we will see an amphora practically buried and the rest of big and sad dead nacras.

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Idyllic spot for initiation activities such as courses and try scuba. It is accessible by a ramp from the beach of Binisafuller. Shallow dive white sandy bottom and rocky areas on the sides.

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We navigate fifteen minutes from Mahon’s harbour. Dive spot under a rocky overhang near the island Isla del Aire. We start the dive on a big platform, we drop at a 18m depth sandbank. We enter a enormous cavern that crosses under the rocky overhang offering amazing backlighting.

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Barbada Alcaufar

We anchor at a platform 12m depth where we find an are full of tunnels and canyons that reminds us a very entretaining labyrinth. We arrive to a reef where we drop directly to 22m depth. There is an interesting pinnacle with a holethrough which is possible to cross.

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Caló Roig

Beautiful point for initiation activities. It is located near Alcaufar, on a white sand beach that extends underwater. The life of the sand contrasts with that present in the rocky area on the sides.

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Cap d’en Font

On the south coast we find the famous caves of Cap d’en Font, a set of immense caves that will leave us amazed. It is possible to see stalactites, stalagmites and columns in most of the caves. In order to enjoy it well, it is preferable to do at least two dives to see them all.

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Pozo de la Luna

It is one of the Caves of Cap d’en Font. Accessing through a platform to the west of Cap d’en Font, you dive for about 15 minutes at a shallow depth until you reach a first cave. You advance a little further until reaching Pozo de la Luna. Inside, we access to an air chamber by passing through a halocline.

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