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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Tunnel von Prvic

This dive site is on the northern side of Prvic Island. There are two possibilities to anchor, one between Prvic Island and the rock, where the tunnel is, or in front of the rock, on the northern side.

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Aquarium Grgur

Aquarium is on the northern side of Grgur. To reach the dive site, you will travel 20 minutes on a fast rubber boat. It will then anchor in a shallow area where the wall can be found.

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Canyon is on the northern side of the island of Grgur. It is easy to reach and has a sheltered little bay, perfect to anchor a boat. Reaching Canyon takes between 15-20 minutes by boat. The dive starts at about 5-10m deep and the bottom is around 40/45m.

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Sika Tanki

Sika Tanki is located on Grgur Island, after the dive site Canyon. This dive site is famous for its current and for its colorful wall. Anchor in 8-10 m deep water and start the dive following the anchor line.

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Zuckerhut, Grgur

Sugar Cone is located on the northern side of Grgur Island and has a bight where you can easily drop anchor in 5m of water. Accessing this dive site only takes 15 minutes by boat.

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Prst, translated to “Finger,“ is at the beginning of Grgur Island. As the name indicates, the formation is reminiscent of a finger. It takes 15 minutes to arrive by speed boat.

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Rt Kosaca

Kosaca is situtated at the beginning of Grgur Island. To reach it takes 15 minutes. This is the perfect spot for beginner divers or those who do not have much experience.

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This dive site is located on the southern side of Goli, where a lighthouse is. It takes 15/20 min with our speedboat to arrive to this dive site. We anchor in front of the lighthouse, in shallow area.

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Double Rock Goli

Double Rock is situated at the beginning of Goli´s island, 100m away from Big Rock. The dive sites are very similar. We anchor in front of the rock on the small plateau between 5 – 8m deep. The dive site is a pinnacle.

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Big Rock

Big Rock is positioned at the beginning of Goli’s Island. After a 20-minute boat ride, you reach the dive site. Anchor in front of the island, in the shallow area. You will be able to see from the surface where the drop off starts.

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