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Dive sites nearby


The subsoil of this popular bathing lake consists of gravel, which offers good visibility even during heavy bathing. On weekends there are usually plenty of divers on site. Those who can may prefer to dive during the week when it is less crowded.

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Casa del Sindaco

Casa del Sindaco (Mayor’s House) is an infrequently visited but equally beautiful dive spot. Up to 15 meters the landscape is quite bare but the further down you go the more populated it becomes.

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Relitto Mohawk Deer

In 1967 the merchant ship Mohawk Deer was being towed by a tugboat in the direction of La Spezia. Hit by a strong gale, her tow line was sheared and she crashed into the wall of the Portofino Promontory.

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Testa del Leone

Testa del Leone (Lion’s head) is an ideal spot around 30 meters because there is a splendid and colorful wall here. The higher part, on the other hand, is full of ravines and clefts full of life

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Scoglio Del Diamante

A beautiful dive really suitable for everyone with excellent visibility condition and a wall with the most beautiful coral in the Marine Park. Dive that can be done either right or left shoulder

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Olivetta is an ideal dive site for everyone. The entrance to the water is on a six-meter bottom and slopes down to 25 mt. Lots of rocks, walls and sand with posidonia.

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Targa Gonzatti

Targa Gonzatti is a beautiful dive site very close to Secca Gonzatti, a very famous dive in the Marine Park. A beautiful wall rich in life and environments between rocky and posidonia.

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Scoglio del Raviolo

Again, the name of the dive site is inspired by the shape of the rocky cliff above the sea surface. Currently this site also bears the name “Scoglio Ghisotti,“ in memory of the photographer diver

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Bigo is a dive very close to Portofino, which offers an enchanting bay sheltered from the prevailing winds, therefore an excellent spot when the sea is rough. You anchor on a 6 meter sandy seabed, and from there the right shoulder wall leads towards the Portofino lighthouse.

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Punta del Faro di Portofino

One of the most beautiful walls in Italy. The wall reaches significant depths (80 mt) in the part near the buoy and in the direction of Portofino. Maintaining particular interest even in the deep part, is in the range between 15 and 25 meters where you can see most of the fish.

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