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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Leonora’s Reef (X)

The reef starts nicely at shallow depths and is therefore good for snorkeling. In addition, you have a steep wall with many inlets and tunnels where you can find a lot of life.

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Mi Dushi (T)

Mi Dushi (My Sweetheart) is a beautiful wall that extends to 38 meters. It is located on the island of Klein Bonaire and its flat start makes it ideal for snorkelers as well.

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Knife (Y)

Knife is a beautiful diving site with a long shallow area, also very suitable for beginners. The site is located on Klein Bonaire, the dropoff starts at 10 meters and continues to 40.

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Sharon’s Serenity (R)

A beautiful spot on Klein Bonaire, because you moor close to the coast, this spot is very suitable for diving and snorkeling. Depth of the reef is 6 to 30 meters.

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Sampler (Z)

Sampler is the northernmost dive site on Klein Bonaire and a much visited site. Flirt with the friendly angelfish living here and enjoy the reef.

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No Name (A)

This spot is not among the highlights of Klein Bonaire. Because the water taxi to Klein Bonaire stops here, it is a much visited spot by beachgoers and day trippers.

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Munk’s Haven

The most westerly dive site on Klein Bonaire. Due to the gently sloping bottom, this site is also very suitable for snorkelers and beginning divers. Only from 12 meters the reef slopes steeper.

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Joanne’s Sunchi (J)

Joanne’s Sunchi (or Joanne’s Kiss) is a beautiful dive site with a deep dropoff. Along this dropoff where a lot of coral grows, there are sand ridges that extend to depth.

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South Bay

This dive site is located on Klein Bonaire and can only be reached by boat. Its structure makes it a fun and diverse spot for both snorkeling and diving for beginners and advanced.

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Captain Don’s Reef (K)

This reef is named after Don Steward, one of the diving pioneers on Bonaire. It is a beautiful reef with all kinds of small plateaus if you dive down the rig for a long time.

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