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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Turtle City

When you drive from Sorobon to the east coast, on the left side there is a deserted shrimp fishing house. When the fence stops, drive in on a sandy road. At the end you can park the car and walk towards the entrance, which is a shallow bay at the shoreline.

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Cai (63)

The reef is located at the bay of the same name and is easily accessible from the shore. The reef stretches out enormously so it may take a while to explore every corner. Be careful, there can be a strong current out of the area.

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Salt City (50)

Salt City is the first place past the famous salt pier. It is a double reef as is often found on Bonaire. The reef is a nice change of sand and coral.

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Invisibles (51)

An easily accessible shore dive with a double reef feature. The first reef is shallow and great for beginning divers and snorkelers. The second reef is a bit deeper and separated by a long, skinny sand flat.

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Salt Pier

Active pier for loading salt from the salt works on the island of Bonaire. It can only be dived when no ship is moored, and no maintenance is being performed.

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Aquarius (46)

Aquarius is a beautiful double reef. Please note, the 2nd reef is quite deep and requires a bit of a swim, so keep a close eye on your air supply. It is a bit of a swim to the first drop off, while you look at the beautiful corals.

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Larry’s Lair (47)

A spot that starts with a flat stretch of sand before turning into a wall that continues for about 30 metres. For the experienced diver; cross the sand there to start at the next wall at about 28 meter.

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Jeannies Glory (48)

If you look to the left, you can enjoy flamingos in the salt pans. On the other side you will find this dive site. You can only dive from the shore with calm water, swim down the sand flat and enjoy the wall!

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Alice in Wonderland (45)

A great shore accessible dive site that’s less crowded than some of the other more popular dive sites but still offers the experience of diving the double reef system.

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Angel City (44)

Angel city is an amazing double reef that runs parallel to the coast. It starts after a flat section at a depth of 5 meters and the first reef extends at about 18 meters. Then up to get to the next rift till 9 meters. The reefs are not far apart, allowing you to dive in an environment surrounded by reefs.

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