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Dive sites nearby


This is one of the most beautiful natural wonders to dive in South Africa. Wondergat was created by dolomite caves collapsing. The climate is cold in winter but very warm to hot in the summer months.

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Marico Oog

Marico Oog is made up of a variety of interlinking fresh water pools that stretch over a number of boundaries. The main section is between 12-14m deep. The average depth of the other pools is rather shallow at 3-4m, hence good buoyancy control is essential.

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Miracle Waters

Miracle Waters was an old Chromium mine that sprang a leak & filled with water. It is now used as a training & recreational site for the greater Gauteng area. It has grids that are off the bottom to alleviate the silt and various objects that have been placed inside.

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Henley on Klip - Bass Lake

Bass Lake is 45 minutes south of Sandton. This lake is spring-fed and the water is of drinking quality with depths vary from a walk-in slope to 23m at the deepest point.

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The Quarry

The Quarry is an actual flooded quarry and the material was used to build the wall. It is a 12 m dive protected from the wind on three sides so excellent for training in the event the wind is blowing.

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Sunken Forest

This is a very shallow dive maximum 12 m. Full of tumbled rocks and trees and full of fish. After 12 m a silty slope goes into deeper water and you can reach 30 m very close to the shore.

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Amanzi Rock Face

This is an easy shallow dive and excellent for night driving. There are several trees and plenty of fish around. There is also a sunken small fishing boat.

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Farm House

The site of an abandoned farmhouse. The actual house has not yet been found but there are water tanks and various other implements scattered around and gentle slope. In the shallow waters there are many trees. A good spot for beginners it’s a shallow dive.

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Cohen’s Corner

This site is found on the east side of the lake. This dive has a very steep drop-off with lots of premises and old trees. One of the more picturesque dives.

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Crystal Cliffs

This is an excellent dive for beginner divers and is situated between M & M and Cohens corner and is a shallow cliff dive. It was named after a large piece of quartz.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.