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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Tian Xiang (Wreck)

This is the newest shipwreck along our coast. The Tian Xiang was sunk in June 2015 as an artificial wreck for diving. It is located at a depth of 45 meters.

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L`Eveillé: proposes a very pleasant diving experience alongside a drop-off including a small arch at 25m. L’Eveillé can be combined with another diving site called “Tokata,” an anemone garden situated in the direct vicinity.

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Colin Bambous: due to its depth of approx. 34m rather for advanced divers with Deep Diver Specialty. Fascinating steep walls and rock formations await us at this dive site.

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Canal Trazar

Like other dive sites from the west coast of Mauritius, a combination of reef and sandy bottom. The name comes from the small steep slope formed by the reef.

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Here we mostly dive with children or do exercises on the sandy bottom with our beginner courses, as the dive is relatively shallow. We follow the reef after the entrance.

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Swiss Drop

Falling, between 14 and 25 mts, passage of cavities. In case of current very nice drift dive. Accessible from the Open Water level by staying on the top of the plateau.

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La Cathédrale

Only five minutes from the port of Flic en Flac is the most famous dive site in Mauritius, the Cathedral. A dive site for the experienced diver, the combination of grotto, cave, and fireplace make this dive site so unique. The max. depth is 28 m.

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Little Swiss

Five minutes drive by dive boat from the port of Flic en Flac is the reef near dive site Little Swiss. The site is ideal for novice divers as it has inviting coral formations at very shallow depths.

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Although popular for students and beginner divers, this site’s ledges and swim-throughs offer something for everyone. The topography is varied with large sand gullies to investigate and shoals of sweepers can be found hiding under the rocky outcrops and small caves.

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Between 5 and 20 meters, this site is ideal for beginners due to its shallow depth and multitude of colorful reef fish living there. This site is accessed via a boat entry.

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