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Dive sites nearby


Parking is possible at “Borrendamme“ on the Boerenweg. Then follows a long walk. The bottom of Kistersnol is nicely strewn with blocks and oysters. Since you are closer to the storm surge barrier here, the current of Kistersnol can be strong and the turnaround here is very short.

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Levensstrijd (Life Struggle) is a relatively shallow dive site, but if you don’t like the crowds at the neighboring dive sites, then this is the place for you. You can dive both along the rock dump on the dike and the sandy bottom where you can also find harder substrate.

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There is not much diving on the pier. It is a long walk but the spot is worth it! Please note, it is located at the harbor entrance of Zierikzee so do not dive in the waterway. One spot runs down to a depth of 50 meters but after the Second World War ammunition was dumped here and it is a prohibited diving area.

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Behind pension Flauwershof you park the car and walk over the dike. Please note, parking is on private property here. The spot is alternating from sand to oyster beds.

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Kulkenol is very difficult to reach, you park at the Zeelandbrug and then walk about a kilometer in the direction of the harbor of Zierikzee, to the tip of the T-shaped breakwater. The water is diverted here in a bend to the shipping channel, which often causes a very strong current. Depth is 35m.

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Halfway between, you wouldn’t expect it, Kulkenol and the Zeeland Bridge you will find this dive site. You can dive here around the turn but also during or after the turn low tide enter the water and drift towards the Zeeland Bridge.

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Zeeland Bridge can be called the most popular dive site on the Eastern Scheldt. Especially in the sepia season (May-June) this site is very popular among divers from the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany.

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Oude Kademuur van Zierikzee

Between the Zeelandbrug and the harbour de Val, at the height of the 2nd pillar you will find remains of the old quay wall of Zierikzee. This runs from about 3 meters at low tide to about 20 meters. The spot is actually not accessible from land, which makes a boat dive necessary.

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De Val

You can only park at the parking lot of the restaurant, from there it is still quite a walk before you can enter the water. It is best to enter the water at the left side of the light pole and from there parallel to the side to dive towards the Zeeland bridge.

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Flauwers heerenkeet

You can park at the Heerekeet and harbour Flowers, then walk to the end of the dam and enter the water. If you dive all the way back the dive site is diverse. There is a wreck and the site varies from stone to oyster beds and sand.

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