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Dive sites nearby

Plompetoren, Koudekerke

The Plompetoren dive site is named after the remaining tower of the village of Koudekerke, which disappeared into the sea. This is not a difficult dive site when it comes to navigation, the side is straight and the depth lines run up to 30 meters approximately parallel to the shore.

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Schelpenhoek Dam

The dam at the shell corner is a very nice diving spot. You can park via the Heerekeet and then drive along the nature reserve. From the parking lot it is still a long walk to the spot, where you can enter the water with a staircase. Diving from a boat is definitely recommended.

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Burghsluis Oostbout

It is strongly advised not to dive here at high tide, as once the tide has turned, there is a risk that you will be pulled away from the shore by the outflowing water, towards the storm surge barrier.

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This is the most westerly spot after the Oosterscheldekering, the current is strong here and it is advisable to only dive here with Oosterschelde experience and at a low tide.

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This spot can be reached via the Heerekeet and then drive along the nature reserve. From the parking lot it is a bit of a walk. You can enter the water with a staircase and the steep wall continues to a depth of almost 50 meters.

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This hidden gem in the Oosterschelde is worth the walk! You can enter the water via the dike, possibly with the help of a rope, for which there are rings attached to the dike. The current can be strong and unpredictable here, but this is good for the underwater elves!

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The west end is a former dive site which is most western site on the Schouwen-Duiveland side of the Eastern Scheldt. The site is within the security area of the Oosterscheldekering which means diving is prohibited without the approval of the Rijkswaterstaat.

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One of the most desolate but therefore beautiful spots in the Oosterschelde. Attach a rope to the ring on the dike and go into the water. You can dive here at both the high and low tide but the current can be strong. A boat dive can be a real bonus!

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Flaauwers West

Just like the adjacent Stalleke, this dive site is a long walk. Strong advice is to also do boat dives here. There is not much diving so you feel like you are in an untouched world.

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Flauwers heerenkeet

You can park at the Heerekeet and harbour Flowers, then walk to the end of the dam and enter the water. If you dive all the way back the dive site is diverse. There is a wreck and the site varies from stone to oyster beds and sand.

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