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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Thousand Steps (16)

Thousand Steps is one of the most famous dive sites in all of Bonaire. Parking for this site is at the top of a cliff where you descend down 67 stairs with your gear on to access the beach. The long set of steps is where this site gets its name. A beautiful dive location.

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Country Garden (14)

With the limestone formations, Country Garden is highly recommended. A variety of fish swim around and between here. Please note, it is a real boat diving site that you cannot visit from the shore.

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Tolo (13)

Located in a small shallow bay with a coral beach. Also known as “Ol’ Blue“ due to the bright blue color of the water. Also good for non-divers because of the small beach.

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Weber’s Joy (17)

Located at the “Witch’s Hut“. Good parking and easy entry from a stone path and across a sandy beach. Well sheltered. Great macro site. Lots of sponges.

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Bloodlet (12)

The reef here is almost impossible to reach from the shore, so its a must do by dive boat! It is a beautiful but steep reef with a sandy plateau.

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Jeff Davis Memorial (18)

This dive site is located at the beginning of the northern route and is named after diving physician Jefferson C. Davis who died here. Note the large step down.

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Rappel (11)

In the past you could descend here using a rope, which is why the site still owes its name. Nowadays you can only go boat diving at this site. The reef has a beautiful shape and the coral is breathtaking.

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Kalli’s Reef (19)

Kalli’s Reef is a site for boat diving. You can get there from the shore, although getting into the water is not easy. You leave the water in the middle of the adjacent dive site

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La Dania’s Leap (10)

This spot is only accessible by boat. Do you still want to make a shore dive? Dare the jump and dive through to Karpata. It is a steep wall up to 30 meters, followed by a sandy plateau and the next wall up to about 60 meters.

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Oil Slick Leap (20)

This dive site is an easily accessible shore dive right outside of the downtown area. There is a latter for easy entry and exit from the water. An extremely easy dive site to navigate and great for all levels of divers.

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