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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Provinciaal Domein de Ster

At Sint-Niklaas we find the provincial domain De Ster. This dive site is accessible to both novice and advanced divers. Visibility varies from limited to reasonable.

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Put van Ekeren

The well of the Ekeren or Muisbroek domain is an excellent place to conduct training dives. The visibility is usually quite good and there is no current to consider.

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De Nekker

The Nekker, a 65-hectare rec center, features a pond, partly natural and protected, partly from E-19 construction sand extraction. The 30-hectare diving pond doubles as a swimming, surfing, and fishing spot, with a spacious beach. Adjacent facilities include classrooms, changing rooms, and a bar.

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Nemo 33 has long been the deepest swimming pool in the world. This indoor center is not only famous for its maximum depth of 33 meters, but also for the very pleasant water temperature of 33 degrees Celsius.

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Located right next to NEMO33 you will find NEMO40 outside. This unique location is an additional development and is still waiting for the moment that it is ready for everyone to visit.

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This dive site is located in the recreation area of ​​the same name. Please note! You may only dive here with a permit. It is a nice diverse site with various objects such as a diving bell and platforms.

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Bergse Diepsluis

The Bergse Diepsluis, also known as Oesterdam or the Thoolse Gat by local divers, is a very accessible site and enables divers to get acquainted with the wonders of the Oosterschelde National Park. This site has little to no current due to its location, making it an ideal spot for beginners.

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If you fancy a quiet dive or a night dive, Strijenham is the place to be. You can even dive outside the tide if you want, but you sometimes have to take into account a moderate current.

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Vuilnisbelt - Tuttelhoek

It is a beautiful place heavily vegetated between 3 and 15 meters, deeper there is less vegetation with a sandy bottom below 22-23 meters. Entering the water is a challenge here (diving at low tide is therefore not recommended here) and the current can sometimes be a bit stronger here.

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Gorishoek De Punt

Gorishoek with a max 40m not for every beginning diver. You enter the water at the point of the pier. The left side is a forbidden area for divers. Swim out along the pier, and then make a round. You can return along the other side, but be careful not to enter the shipping route for the harbor.

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