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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Cal Dimoni

Dive spot 10 minutes from the port of Mahón. We anchor near the Cova de ses Ginjoles and we dive towards Cala Rafalet. Large rocks with holes, tunnels and small caves offer a very fun dive.

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Cala Rafalet

Ten minutes by boat from the port of Mahón to Cala Rafalet. We find diversity of landscapes in this dive: bottom of small rocks, rocky blocks with multiple holes and tunnels, posidona meadow and a beautiful and huge cavern with a spectacular backlight.

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Cova dels Ofegats

Dive spot close to the exit of the harbour of Mahón. We anchor under the Torre d’en Penjat, on a rocky platform. Under the cliff, we find the Cova dels Ofegats, a wide cavern with a beautiful backlight that has an air chamber on the surface where it’s possible to ascend.

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Santa Clara

Fishing boat about 45m long sunk at great depth. Only for experienced divers. The wreck lies on a sandy bottom at a depth of over 40m. Its compartments and external areas are populated with marine life, so it is possible to see a great variety of creatures.

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Nice dive with easily accessible caverns and with exit to the surface. The ray of sunlight that enters at a certain time of day is like in a film. The maximum depth is 25m, being the most of the dive below 18m.

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La Virgen

Dive spot at the exit of the port of Mahón. We anchor on a rocky platform about 12m depth and follows several canyons until reaching a huge cavern that acts as a tunnel. There is a small sculpture of a virgin. Leaving the cave, we follow the high wall on the left seeing diverse life.

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S’Algar Reef

Dive spot in front of the Salgar urbanization. We anchor on a huge rocky platform. The dive runs along the wall of the reef, where we find several tunnels, holes and caverns of different characteristics that, together with the variety of life, make it a great fun dive.

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Caló Roig

Beautiful point for initiation activities. It is located near Alcaufar, on a white sand beach that extends underwater. The life of the sand contrasts with that present in the rocky area on the sides.

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La Mola

Simple dive for try scuba and courses, but adaptable for novice divers. Leaving the port of Mahón, we find the beautiful and quiet Clot de la Mola, to carry out all kinds of activities. There is an immense sandy area with several rocks and Posidonia meadows that are home to a lot of life.

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Junkers Ju 88, wreck

Nazi plane that bombed Algeria in World War II. It was shipwrecked in the waters of Menorca becoming a wreck. Deep dive only suitable for experts. The plane rests on a sandy bottom and it is in good condition.

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