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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby


Situated on the east side of the island, this site is a great place for beginners with depths between 5 and 9 meters, without currents, and with curious rock formations.

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The name derives from several abandoned local fisher boat anchors, which can be found there. Our anchor buoy is at 6m depth. It is an ideal dive site for Try Divers, beginners, check dives and snorkelling.

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High Stones

This is a rock formation in front of the diving center that starts at 2 meters and reaches 7 meters. Very sheltered and no current, making it ideal for diving and snorkeling lessons. Visibility is around 20m.

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House reef

Diving from the beach, you can reach 6 meters deep. The visibility depends on the wind, but is usually very sheltered from the prevailing winds. This site has ideal conditions for confined water classes, beginning divers, and snorkeling.

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Baixa do J

Reef with large rocks that shelter many marine species. It starts at 13m and goes up to 20m. Current between mild to moderate. Visibility of about 20-30m.

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Ilhéu de Cima Cave

Small cave, the dive starts at 15m and can reach 25m. Visibility between 15 and 20m. Normally, without current and very sheltered from the prevailing winds.

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Poio Pequeno

Located on the slope on the south side of the islet de Cima, it’s an easy dive between 8 and 20m, we start going south, sometimes there is some current.

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Baixa dos Leques

Easy dive but sometimes subject to some current. The reef has a platform that starts at 8m and goes up to 22m on the sand. Visibility between 20 and 30 meters.

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Pedra do Ginja

The dive site, formerly named “Pedra do J“, has been renamed to “GINJA“ after a resident dusky grouper. The fish is very friendly and nosy and usually comes to meet the divers. He likes to swim among them and will often follow for the whole dive.

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Madeirense (Wreck)

This cargo boat sunk in October 2000. The highest point of the wreck is at about 24m and the bottom can reach 35m. There is rarely a current and visibility is always more than 25m. This site is sheltered from the prevailing wind.

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