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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

El Bufadero

We begin the immersion in a natural pool in which we will dive to cross a volcanic tube that will take us to the open sea. No doubt a dive that will not leave anyone indifferent.

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Cruentats Cave

The access to this dive site is only suitable for divers with experience in entering the water through rocky areas. Once in the water we will navigate at a shallow depth to reach the cave with enough air to be able to fully enjoy it as it has several areas of high interest.

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La Cuevita

Perfect immersion for the lovers of the photography and the macro. We enter with a giant step, the estimated duration is 60 minutes and we will leave by the same place where we began the immersion.

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The Garden of Gorgonians

Inmersión hacia el centro de la bahía de sardina, donde pasaremos por un campo de rodolitos, estos rodolitos son muy importantes para luchar contra el cambio climático ya que son generadores de O2

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El Faro

The dive at El Faro allows you to enjoy the remains of what was the second most important port of all the Canary Islands. This site is immersed in a rich and varied ecosystem with many species characteristic of this area.

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Los Cañones

We will enter the water with a giant step, and then begin a 7-minute navigation at 3 meters that will allow us to start the dive near the area we have planned. We will enjoy a rich and varied ecosystem in which pelagic species, rays and angel sharks will be the protagonists.

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La Roca

In this long dive we will go to the sardine area where we will see the largest banks of snorers, sea bream, horse mackerel, trumpets, bogas, white güelde and sardines.

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La Deriva

Immersion in the bay of sardine, although the entrance will be by the Roquete (Beach of rocks) in which we will take advantage of the current in favor towards the exit point. Thanks to the current we will be able to enjoy a long route in which we will pass by several ecosystems.

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Las Anclas

We will enter the water with a giant step, and then begin a navigation of 7 minutes at 3 meters that will allow us to begin the dive near the area we have planned. We will enjoy a rich and varied ecosystem dotted with anchors used by different generations.

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La Catedral

La Catedral is a boat dive between the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Isleta. This is a deep dive suitable for advanced divers, where you will find caverns, tunnels, and backlights through which you can enter.

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