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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Arche de l’Eau

L'Arche de l'Eau is a spectacular dive site, suitable for intermediate and advanced divers. Located at a depth of 20 to 40 meters, this site features a magnificent natural underwater arch. Divers can discover impressive rock formations.

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La cathédrale Sainte Maxime

La Cathédrale, Sainte-Maxime is an exceptional dive site located in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez. Suitable for intermediate to advanced divers, this site impresses with its majestic rock formations reminiscent of cathedral vaults. Depths range from 15 to 40 meters.

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Les Sardinaux

Off the coast of St Maxime, dive site located opposite Pointe des Sardinaux. Suitable for beginners (large plateau starting at 3m) to advanced divers (2 drop-offs at around 40m).

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Le Relax, St. Tropez

Located in the Bay of Saint-Tropez, Le Relax is a shipwreck 27 m long and 5 m wide. It lies upright in water 35 m deep. Well preserved, the wreck is covered in gorgonians. Its corridor is accessible to divers and offers many surprises, including scorpions, conger eels, lobsters and more.

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La Sèche L’Huile

Near St. Maxime, this dive site is located near a lighthouse that used to be powered by an oil lamp (hence the name). An excellent site for all levels of divers (from 4m to 50m). You'll see two cliffs: one up to 40m and the other up to 55m.

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L’île aux Mouettes

Ile aux Mouettes, near Sainte-Maxime, is an ideal dive site for beginners to advanced divers. Depths range from 10 to 30 meters, offering a varied underwater landscape of rock formations, caves and drop-offs.

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Pampelonne Plage

Pampelonne Plage, near Saint-Tropez, is a popular dive site for its clear waters and varied underwater scenery. Suitable for divers of all levels, the site offers depths ranging from 5 to 25 meters. Divers can explore posidonia meadows and rock formations.

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Roche fouras

At the foot of the semaphore of Cap Camarat, this rock goes down to 12 meters and is home to a very diverse fauna. Although it is the 300m strip, pay attention to the boats. The current can be very strong.

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Rubis, wreck

The Ruby is one of the Mediterranean’s must-see wrecks. Ranked by the magazine Plongeurs International among the 101 most beautiful dives in the world, the Rubis is a pure jewel. To be able to observe a submarine in perfect condition is rare enough not to give yourself the opportunity to dive there.

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The wreck is in two parts that almost touch each other, in one place, the other is turned over. It is placed on a sand background but its sheets are well covered with orange crusty sponges and yellow tubulars.

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