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Dive sites nearby

Nova Pošta

Nova Pošta consists of a tunnel, a cavern, and a funnel (chimney) on the northernmost peninsula of the island of Vis. Your boat will be moored in the calm, lovely, wind-safe bay.

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Žali Potok/Šekoda

Not far west of the Punta Covika headland, there are two dive sites with a steeply sloping cliff. Both are located on the same stretch of the underwater rock, but offer different attractions. A shallower variant, up to 20-25 meters, is called Žali Potok. The dive is done with your right hand against the wall.

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Pokemon cave

A 50-meters long cave with an entrance (and exit) at the depth of 18 m and a thermocline and halocline inside. In the very end of the cave above halocline there is air bubble.

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In front of the entrance to the Vis Bay there are several small islets. Among these there are Volići, which consist of two isles that surface to one meter, Volić Veli and Volić Mali. On Volić Veli, located further from the island of Vis Isle, there is a lighthouse.

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Hellenistic Port

Hellenistic Port consists of the remains of an ancient harbour in front of the Issa Hotel. The sloping area is covered with yellow sponges. The entrance to the water is made from a concrete quay in a place where the water depth does not exceed 1.5 m.

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The name of Host refers to the isle located at the entrance to the Vis Bay and comes from the British officer William Hoste, who contributed to defeat the French navy during the Battle. As a result of hitting the rocks, there must have sunk more than one ship in this place.

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This is a small islet that can be swum around during a single dive. Besides numerous fish, you will see a few ancient amphorae. Amphoras are found from 14 to 37 meters in depth.

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Through the northern part of the island of Vis leads a gravel-stony road, which directs to the abandoned village of Oključna, from where visitors can drive, using an off-road car, to a bay (one of the few in this part of the island) known under the same name.

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Ursus (Wreck)

Ursus lies in a sandy bottom at a depth of 45-65 meters.Beautiful wreck covered in purple and yellow gorgonians.The wreck is 35 meters long with canon on the bow

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On the northwestern edge of Vis, a few hundred meters south of the lighthouse on the Stončica peninsula, a small island – Pločica, rises a few meters above the sea. On the north side of the spot there is a buoy where a dive boat usually moors.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.