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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Rock Lobster

From the south east of Cap Dor, we are going to find a very interesting dive site which can be joint either by El Pesebret or Cap Dor, around 26 meters down....

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El Portet

Very diverse diving site offering something for every diver with a very wide range of marine life, vegetation and coral. With depth going from 10 to 20 meters.

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El Pesebre

Situated in an enclosed bay, you can find unique rock formations that are home to baby moray eels and octopus. The dive consists of a beautiful swim through where light penetrates from 2 sides and separates Mushroom Rock from the 3 Amigos.

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Fondo de Bikini

This is our Technical Diving dive site. Depending of your sensibility to Nitrogen Narcosis, you might end up in Bikini Bottom. It is a lot of fun anyway....

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Los 3 Amigos

3 Amigos is a small dive site where you will find 3 seamounts at a maximum depth of 18 meters, it is a very easy place where everybody is going to find something they like...

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Sillón rockero

Armchair Rock is a really relax dive site where the points of interests vary from 5 to 16 meters. It is perfect for macro photography and everybody, from Open Water Diver to Instructor, are going to enjoy this little underwater escapade...

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Los Pinos

Los Pinos is actualy the turning point of the Labyrinth Dive´s Site, however, if we have divers who are very good on air, we can dive 2 dive sites in one...

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El Laberinto

The Labyrinth, situated 10 min from Moraira is a very ludic dive site with alternance of Posedonia gardens, sandy bottom and beautifull boulders and rock formations with a couple of swim-through. The maximum depth is between 14 and 17 meters depending of the route taken.

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Playetes Beach

Playetes is a house reef 2 accessible from shore. The maximum depth is only 7 meters, making it perfect for try dives, night dives, and confined water training dives.

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Moraig’s Cave

Situated 15 min from Moraira, this dive site is perfect for everyone, even those with little dive experience. The maximum depth is about 15 meters and you can swim into two small cave systems, where the light is amazing. One leads to a 2 km long cave.

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