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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Navigation Ninja

Purely a navigation specialty course training site or a test for experienced underwater navigators w/several way-points, compass headings & legs covering a combination of sandy/muddy reference void bottom, sloping sand, sea grass, reef structure, coral & moorings between 1msw to 16msw. Put yourself to the test!

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House Reef FRONT

A super easy site directly in front of the resort, walk-in/walk-out entry/exit starts in 1msw & gradually slopes down to 18msw, best diving is typically 2msw to 10msw. Initially looks quite sparse however for the macro lover with a keen eye there is lots to see. Can be dived 24/7 however incoming tide is best.

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House Reef WEST

Easy entry either walk in from directly in front of resort or boat drop. Starts in 1msw with undulating drop off to 18msw however the best dive depths are typically 2msw to 12msw. Can be dived 24/7 however incoming tides provide cleaner water, visibility is never typically more than a few meters (macro diving)

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No Viz Reef

Small pinnacle with the top just breaking the surface at low tide & sloping down to 16msw on a muddy bottom. As the name suggests the visibility is low & can be anywhere from 1mtr to 4 or 5mtrs, the top is approx 150/200mtrs in circumference & the bottom approx 400/500mtrs so choose a direction & explore slowly.

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House Reef EAST

Site starts in 1m & drops off to 14m, best diving is typically within the 5msw to 10msw range, visibility is typically low, can be dived 24/7 however incoming tide offers better visibility. Easy walk in shore entry or boat drop, excellent for macro lovers with a keen eye (bring a maginifying glass) & go slow.

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Block 24

Another lovely shore dive with lots of fish life, it can also be done by a boat drop just 3 or 4-minutes (1km) from the resort, visibility is typically low at around 6m/20’ however excellent for searching for critters and can be dived 24-hours a day. This is best dived on an incoming tide. Enjoy!

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Nawawa Bay

A gentle sloping sandy bottom starting on the shoreline leading down to 6 simple & pretty bommies in 15msw - excellent for a relaxing dive, beginners, macro lovers & we often use this for OWD or NAVIGATION specialty courses when northely winds are blowing.

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Corner Point

Simple easy site starting in 1msw with a gradually sloping reef bottoming out on a flkat sandy bottom at 18msw that can be dived at anytime & is great for all levels both during the day & night.

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Sunset Point Reef

Combination of a wall & bommie dive consisting of a heavily decorated wall extending out to a myriad of small bommies starting at the surface & bottoming out at 15msw which can be dived at anytime & ideal for inexperienced divers & macro lovers alike.

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Papuan Explorer wreck dive

Papuan Explorer was a 140’/42m steel cargo vessel scuttled as a wreck dive site in the 80’s. She sits upright on a muddy bottom, penetration is possible however use CAUTION as there is lots of silt, zero light zones & sharps. We use this as a WRECK & LIMITED VISIBILITY training site. Shallowest 14msw, sea bed 25msw.

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