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Dive sites nearby


Punta Escorpiones is located on a shallow ledge, with depths between 10m/30ft and 20m/70ft. The rocky features hide a ton of small critters, while the sandy area is a great spot to find some bigger life.

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Guacamaya Island

Guacamaya is north of Flamingo and Potrero along the coast. Normally less than 20 minutes. It is an island that allows all levels, the depth being 5m deep in the East and almost 30m in the West. This small island is always full of fish. You can also practice snorkeling when the conditions allow it.

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Arco Iris, Brumel Island

Arco Iris is located 8km north of Playa Potrero. Less than 20 minutes of navigation. North of Penahuaste or Brumel Island in English. A rock formation runs from the northwest face of the island in a northerly direction. There are many white tip reef sharks. 10 to 30 m/ 33 to 100ft.

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Brumel shallow

It’s a 20min boat ride from the Marina Flamingo. The dive site is ideal for beginners and is usually used when there are strong winds as it’s more protected than the main Catalina Islands. From the starting point you should head towards the south. Max. depth is around 14 meters.

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Brumel deep

It’s a 20min boat ride from the Marina Flamingo. The dive site is ideal for beginners and also certified divers and is usually used when there are strong winds as it’s more protected than the main Catalina Islands. From the starting point you can either dive to the south or towards the north west.

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Corridas is at the corner of Coco Bay. The site consists of 2 rocks/low pinnacles in a sandy area. The 2 rocks are very close and can both be done easily in 1 dive.

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Sopresa is a pinnacle starting at around 16m/50ft depth and going down to 30m/100ft. Because there’s no shallow part in this dive site, only advanced divers can dive here. Sorpresa means surprise, which is explained if you dive here multiple times. The temperature and visibility are always a surprise.

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Punta Argentina

Punta Argentina is one of the most popular dive sites in Coco, and well deserved. Around this pinnacle you can find everything from big encounters to tiny macro life. Depths range from 10m/30ft to 27m/95ft. Look above you not to miss the big schools of fish!

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Tortuga Equador

5 minute boat trip from Coco Bay. A dive site suitable for divers from all levels. For beginners to enjoy the rich shallow areas, and more experienced divers to visit Rusty II, a small wreck which is located a bit deeper at 22m/70ft.

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La Tortuga

Located northwest of Playa Coco, La Tortuga gets its name from the turtle-shaped island above it, as well as a turtle-shaped cement block connected to the mooring line. This is a great dive site with many routes and a small wreck.

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