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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby


This dive site offers some nice deep diving with a shore access. The drive down to the coast can be tricky for non 4 wheel drives. You can dive anticlockwise the island since the deepest part on on the north east part of the islet.

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Apollonia wreck

This shallow reef with a minimum depth of 2 meters and maximum of around 35m, is home to the cargo ship wreck names Apollonia. Difficult to dive unless there are calm seas, most common than not to have strong currents as well. The wreck is kind of destroyed and scattered around. The stern is less destroyed

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Excellent dive spot on the northern edge of Makronissos Island where a piper airplane lies on the bottom in excellent condition. The visibility is excellent on every dive.

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Antonio’s Rock

Ideal for fun dives. In the eastern part of Makronissos with excellent visibility and rich marine life. Both beginning divers and advanced can enjoy diving this spot.

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Macronisos Canyon

A canyon that start at 5 meters and ends up to 27m. Then you turn towards southwest (right on the exit) and you follow the impressive vertical wall that goes down to 45 meters.

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Ideal spot for shallow dives, courses, try scuba etc. Sandy entrance and then a rocky environment that goes down to 7 meters depth. Protected by all winds, only affected by SW wind.

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Katafygi Cove

The ideal shallow protected little bay for training, introductory dives. Protected from prevailing north winds. No currents. Almost always good visibility. Maximum depth 18 meters.

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legraina fish farm

A very interesting shore dive, next to a fish farm. Medium visibility, sometimes medium strong current, depth up to 45m.Tricky entry and exit cause of sharp rocks around.

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North wall of Artzentas

A slow slope on the north part of Arsida island. Main attraction is the pottery scattered around from depths of 30 till the surface. All diving certification levels will enjoy this dive site.

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Arsida Walll

Excellent wall dive starting at 7 meters and ending at more than 55 meters. Very good visibility and protected from northern winds. Marine life is also intresting here.

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