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Dive sites nearby

Overhead Rock


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Dream Hole


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Tanicha Tower

Dive site name: Tanicha Tower Drop-Off This dive site boasts a striking single coral formation that ascends from the depths of 40 meters. As you venture from this central root, you’ll encounter a stunning expanse of sandy seabed. The typical dive route entails commencing at the 40-meter drop-off and navigating through the crevices around the root. It’s also a prime location for encountering sizable marine creatures. The underwater terrain extends offshore from the root’s base, starting at approximately 35 meters and leading into a flat sandy stretch.

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Cross Line


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SEALs Tec Buoy

This is a drop-off point near the tip of Cape Maeda. The shallow water shelf is about 5m deep and drops down to 30m at once. You can enter this point from both the beach and boat.

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Pink Marlin Buoy

An hour from Naha Airport on the Okinawa Expressway, Cape Maeda is located in a resort area lined with hotels in Onna Village in the northern part of the main island of Okinawa. This is the most popular point on the main island of Okinawa.

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Michelin Mishiragi

This dive site offers a diverse topography with half drops, arches, and crevasses. You’ll find large sea fans and isobranchs at various spots, providing a habitat for goatfish. In the past, Dennis pygmy seahorses could be found here. What makes this dive site truly remarkable is the opportunity to encounter large fish species like giant trevally (GT), Napoleon wrasse, and giant grouper.

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Kohri Zampa

The dive site is named “Kouri Zanpo,“ which translates to “broken lingering waves“ in Okinawan dialect. This name stems from the island’s history when it once existed but was targeted by naval gunfire during the postwar U.S. military occupation, resulting in its collapse. The main attraction of this dive site is a drop-off that descends to a depth of 40 meters. Divers typically anchor on the north side of two wash rocks, allowing them to explore the Babel tower-like coral formations at the end of the drop-off. Divers can follow a route that starts in shallow water, passes through the first arch, proceeds to the second arch, and returns to shallow water. There are numerous other fascinating sights to explore, and various diving routes are available. The curtain of light filtering through the arches is a particular highlight that shouldn’t be missed!

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