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Dive sites nearby

Céibh an Dóilín

Céibh an Dóilín is a small sheltered pier just north of Trá an Doilín. This site is a great alternative for training in poor weather conditions as it is sheltered in all directions. However it does dry out at low water which must be noted. With a depth range at high tide of 5-10m this is a shallow level dive.

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Trá an Dóilín

Trá an Dóilín (Coral Beach) is one of only 2 known maerl beaches in Ireland. Depending on the tide depths range from 2m to 7m making it a perfect confined water dive site. If you visit it by night it’s a completely different dive suitable for divers with a little more experience. there is lots to see in Dóilín!

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Trabaan Pier

This sheltered pier with a small south facing mouth is a working pier with boulder walls either side. Main pier is muddy bottom with a small area of substrate at the top end which is perfect for practicing skills without raising sedement. During spring tides it can reach 6/7m but on average is 3/5m.

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Trá na Reilige

Trá na Reilige is an enjoyable shore dive on the Carraroe side of Costelloe Bay. It is accessed as a shore-dive and also makes a very nice snorkel spot! Is it best dove at high water. It ranges from 8m-12m.

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Gurraig Sound

This is an enjoyable drift dive. Drop in at either end depending on the direction of the tide. You can drift along the stoney bottom (15-20m) at a fair old rate. If you keep into the wall (north side), you can avoid most of the current.

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East of Grey Rock

Just east of the point 100 metres east of Grey Rock, there is a lovely area for mid range diving. Here the shore drops vertically to 27/28 metres. There?s usually lots to see at various levels on the wall.

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Grey Rock

A short boat ride from Annaghvaan pier, Grey rock is in an area of uncharted rocks and strong tides, so local knowledge and experience is a must navigating to this site. This site ranges from 15m to 40m with a variety of life to be seen along the wall.

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Poll na bPéist; The Wormhole

A scenic boat ride takes you out to the Aran Islands, often joined by pods of Common Dolphins! Poll na bPéist, the world-famous Red Bull diving location, is just as spectacular beneath the water as above. Head into the Wormhole itself to start off a beautiful dive, followed by swim throughs & walls down to 24m!

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Back of Lime Rock

5-10 minute boat spin from Quilty pier. Drop on the corner of the small island and keep the wall on the left side. The wall is in the shape of a bowl and depths from 10m all the way to 35m can be found here

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Donegal Point

Found in a beautiful inlet along the coast is a peaceful kelp forest starting at 7m. After dropping into the kelp forest the dive follows a wall down to a max depth of 30m where you can spot an abundance of life in the cracks and overhangs as you swim through a airy cavern back around to the anchored boat.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.