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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Brains Cave

up 10 minutes of boat ride from Playa San Juan, there is a cavern built into the shore with two halls (left and right) just 12 meters deep. The one on right goes a bit further, but the one on left has a hole in the ceiling that brings light into the cavern.

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Playa San Juan, Gym

In Playa San Juan you can do a shore dive from the harbour or dive in the middle of the town in a beautiful bay next to a small outdoor gym. This is also where the name of the dive sites comes from. It almost always delivers great visibility due to the diverse rock formations close to shore.

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The divesite is located between playa San Juan and Alcalá in the South of Tenerife. Stairs lead to the small hidden bay through which we enter the dive site. You’ll see a lot of very interesting rock formations, e.g. one looks like a high heel - you can swim through and underneath the heel.

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Bahia Alcalá

This bay is 6 km South of Los Gigantes on the west coast, protected from the main winds most of the year. This site can get busy in the summer. Sometimes, when there is strong current, the visibility can be poor and entrance tricky.

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El Balito

Spectacular rocky formations, tunnels and caves will surprise us at this dive spot. It is recommended to do it from boat because the access of emergency teams is so difficult, jus in case is needed.

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Digger (Sueño Azul)

The dive site “Digger“ is located in front of the complex “Sueño Azul“ in Callao Salvaje, a small village next to Playa Paraiso. The entrance is via a small sandy beach, which is reached after a few minutes walk down a hill. An underwater road leads you directly to the wreck of a digger.

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El Pinque Mushrooms

The dive site is located at the Hard Rock Bay - Playa El Pinque. Entry and exit is via the stairs to the right and/or left along the Hotel Beach Club. After the breakwater, two terraces join on the right hand side at depths from 3 to 12 meters. These end after about 20 minutes at two spectacular mushroom heads.

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Playa Paraiso

Spectacular diving along a canyon surrounded by rock formations. Torch is recommended to enjoy the anemones and dark areas in this dive spot.

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Black Tip

This site is only accessible by boat and offers a rocky area full of cornices, ideal for exploration, where you can find large red coral. Its is recommended to use a torch.

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El Puertito

El Puertito is a bay protected from currents, with lots of aquatic life, the perfect place to make your first dive in Tenerife and training dives for all levels.

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