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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Hafen Mols

From the entrance you dive parallel to the shore towards the east in the 3m range. Later the bottom starts to slope slightly. The most interesting area here is the 15m area, because here you can find many trees, bizarre branches and prosperity garbage, like bicycles.

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Ledi Wracks

Coming from Mols in the direction of Walenstadt, the car park is just after a right-hand bend on the lake side. Driving from Walenstadt in the direction of Mols, the long parking area is on the lake side after a right-hand bend before a sharp left-hand bend.

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Tauchersupply Vero

We have an indoor pool with 3m depth at our diving center, Tauchersupply VERO GmbH. Here you can learn all the basic exercises. The skill training at 28 degrees water temperature motivates and brings visibility for use in the lake and in the sea.

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Badhütte Rorschach, Bodensee

Simple, beautiful dive site. Park at the PP by the Coop petrol station on the other side of the road. Take the underpass, get in at the big stairs in front of the fountain (don't forget the alpha flag). Turn right parallel to the wall (south-east) in the direction of Badhütte. Old diving board at 5 - 7m just before the bathing hut.

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Kornhaus Rorschach, Bodensee

Also suitable for beginners, several small wrecks and other items to explore in an underwater course. Very limited parking in front of the Kornhaus directly on the main road, therefore not suitable for larger groups and at rush hour.

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Bootsrampe Rorschach

The popular Lake Constance diving site Rorschach-HB offers countless underwater attractions. Among other things, a large freshwater shark ("Bobeli") awaits you. Great amazement guaranteed! Furthermore you will find 4 wrecks in the depth range between 12-19 meters.

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Rietli Goldach

One of the most beautiful diving spots on the Swiss side of Lake Constance. Large parking spaces in the immediate vicinity, short walking distance. Entrance directly left of the harbour entrance via a staircase, which is equipped with an alpha flag to fold out. ATTENTION: Do not dive in the harbour entrance area, dive around the underwater barrier!

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HB Rorschach

The formerly so popular entrance to the dive site "HB" is no longer possible via its own parking lot since the construction of the Würth building. Parking is on the parking lot opposite the HB, if possible directly after the barriers at the sailing club building. Footpath of approx. 200m shore path in eastern direction to the HB entrance.

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Strandbad Rorschach

A very beginner friendly and varied dive site with easy entry. The interesting course is to a depth of max. 18 meters.

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Beautiful and typical Lake Constance dive site with entry from the shore, also suitable for beginners. Steady slowly sloping bottom, at the beginning rather sandy, then silt. In addition to the typical flora and fauna, various other attractions.

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