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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Shark City

15 minutes from Nabucco Islands and Nunukan Islands is the 2nd channel of the atoll with a depth of 6 meters. Best dived in strong current. Dive with the right or left shoulder along the steeply sloping reef below the channel.

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Coral Mountain Bay

15 minutes from Nabucco Islands and also 15 minutes from Nunukan Islands is the Coral Mountain. Diving is done with the left shoulder to the reef.

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Coral Mountain Bay

15 minutes from Nabucco Islands and also 15 minutes from Nunukan Islands is the Coral Mountain. Diving is done with the left shoulder to the reef.

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Sea Wall Garden

15 minutes from Nabucco Islands and 15 minutes from Nunukan Islands there is a beautiful steep wall. The wall drops to 20-25 meters, then sandy slope.

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Sea Wall

14 minutes from Nabuco Islands and 16 minutes from Nunukan Island you will find this beautiful coral garden. Dive with the left shoulder to the reef.

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Located 20 minutes from Nunukan Islands on the southwest side of Maratua Atoll is this dive site. Gently sloping reef with shallow sandy bottom at 12 meters. Best dived at high tide.

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Midnight Snapper Run

7 minutes from Nabucco Islands in south-southeast direction is this beautiful dive site. A steep slope with a sandy plateau at 23-28 meters adjacent steep wall. Dive with the left shoulder to the wall.

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Ujung Karang Tinggi

15 minutes from Nunukan Islands is this beautiful dive site. The reef starts with a gentle slope, which then turns into a steep wall. It is a wonderful place for macros.

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Leo point

This popular dive site is located 5 minutes east of Nabucco Island. Terraced slope with a sandy plateau at about 27-30 meters, then drop off. Dive with left shoulder to the reef.

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On the southwest tip of Maratua Atoll is this ideal dive site for all macro lovers. The Top of the reef is located at a depth of 5 - 10 meters.

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