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Dive sites nearby

Shaab Ini

Shaab Ini is always the second dive by day of Shaab Claudio to end your diving day by great diving. It contains by hard coral garden and sandy bottom. Max depth by 27m. The west side is full of fantastic hard- and soft coral blocks and a massive amount of different hard corals.

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Shaab Bango

Shaab Bango and Shaab Camelia are both together in one trip. The North reef calls Bango and it contains by sandy bottom max. 14 m ending by drop off in the south and west of the reef. The amazing coral garden you find direct under the boat area.

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Shaab Camelia

Shaab Bango and Shaab Camelia are both together in one trip. South Reef calls Shaab Camelia and you find this place full of coral blocks and small caves. Sandy bottom by max. 18m.

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Shaab Mohamed

Shaab Mohamed contains of coral garden in the south part and coral blocks on the west side. There are more huge blocks to discover in the north part of the reef.

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Shaab Bohar Soraya

Shaab Bohar Soraya is a smaller reef than Shaab Bohar Kebir. The east side of it is still the best part full of coral blocks contains by a lot of soft corals and hard coral garden.

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Shaab Bohar Kebir

Shaab Bohar Kebir east and west are located in the north part of Fury Shoals Reefs . Both sides have such a huge amazing coral garden and many coral blocks with soft corals.

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Habili Sama

Habili Sama or Habili B. the most beautiful Habili in Fury Shoals as it has 2 small Reef in between the Reefs there is the biggest anemone city ever you could see in Fury Shoals starts from 2 meter till the bottom 17 meter . Soft Coral and Table Coral and Gorgonia and Many Pinnacles

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Habili Coconut

Habili Coconut is a great dive spot and easy dive full of soft coral and Gorgonia and many fishes and table coral are only 2 pinnacles but full of marine life .

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Shaab Said

Shaab Said is the first reef to see while you navigate to Fury Shoals. It contains by a very huge north reef and a small reef. Between both reefs you find a nice shallow canal ending into a coral garden. Sandy bottom around the reefs leads into drop offs at both sides, north and south.

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Shaab Zabargad

Zabargad Reef is our optional for whom wanna do easy dive. Short and easy trip navigation even in windy days. One of the best hard coral garden and sandy bottom plateau ending by drop off.

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