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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby


In only 15 minutes we arrive in the picturesque bay that is the entry point of this dive site. In the shallower sandy bottom the remains of an unknown wreck can be found. In the deeper parts an imposing wall whereas the shallower area houses numerous big boulders where fish like to hide.

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A short 10 minutes boat ride will take you from Rabac to the bay of Plomin. The dive site is located on the north outside of the bay. In the shallower area there are overhangs to be found. When following the slope deeper there are walls and and many interesting rock formations.

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Brestova is located north of Rabac and is characterized by a breathtaking cliff with many crevices and small caves. You can only dive this site by boat.

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Lina (Wreck)

The LINA is an iron ship built in England in 1879. It became Italian property in 1901 and worked as a freight forwarder in the Mediterranean. On December 14, 1914, it collided with the shores of Cres, where it sank very quickly.

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Golubjera is located north of Rabac and is only accessible by boat. The dive site is suitable for both beginners and advanced divers and is characterized by numerous crevasses and caves which provide hiding places for fish and invertebrates. Due to the topography this site is suited for divers of all levels.

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Three entrances offer a lot of variety.1: Directly below the Dive Center, here you can dive right or left shoulder. 2:50m N/E before the nudist beach you dive the wall right shoulder and at the marker back to the beach. 3:50m S/W this time dive left shoulder to the marker and back over the reef.

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Rabac bay

The bay of Rabac is directly located in front of Diving Rabac diving center. It has a pebble beach entrance that continues in a sandy bottom. It is ideal for skills and navigation practice.

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Babina is located south of Rabac. You start from a plateau at approx. 5 meters and dive towards the east until you reach the edge at approx. 20 meters. The edge continues north in the form of a beautifully overgrown wall.

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House Reef Biser (Mošćenička Draga)

In the town of Moscenika Draga beach, locally known as Sipar beach, is a shore entry beach dive. It is accessed directly from the beach. The dive site is mainly within the protected swimming lines but the deeper section consists of a steep sandy slope extending down beyond 22 then shelving till 40m.

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Duga Luka

Duga Luka is a dive site south of Rabac. The most interesting part of this dive site is in a depth between 10m and 20m. There are many overhangs and crevices in the walls sloping down to a depth of 20m.

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