Abu Sawatyr
- 4599
Bay with sandy entry. The sandry bottom is slow downgoing till 40 meters. On both sides are coral gardens will 30 meters. A rope is helpful to enter and exit the dive site by current.
Marine Life: big morray eals, napoleon, and with some luck dolphins, eagle rays and sharks can be found.
Wildlife Species
SSI Training Centers
19m / 62ft
Max. Depth
This data is provided from the logbook information in the MySSI app
Affiliated Training Center
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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.