Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

L’Anse Chemin/Long Point

Around a 30 minute drive from the dive shop is the beautiful L’Anse Chemin or Long Point dive site. Advanced divers use the often strong currents to drift along this beautiful steeply sloping reef, down to max depth of 30m/100ft, shallowing up along the point to complete a safety stop.

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Bequia Head

Long drive from the dive shop, this dive site is exposed to extremely strong currents and rough seas therefore only dived in perfect conditions and by expert divers only. Max depth 40m/120ft along steeply sloping reef, this is a drift dive with negative entry as no moorings and all divers must have their own SMB.

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Flat Rock

Just 20 minutes drive from the dive centre is the dive at Flat Rock, it has a maximum depth of 21m/70ft, and is typically dived as a drift dive from North-South and ending on a beautiful sloping reef for the safety stop.

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Robyn’s Reef

Robyn’s Reef (max 21m/70ft) - Intermediate divers start at the frogfish haven of ’Flat Rock’ and gently work their way down the steep reef slope to the sandy bottom, this is an enjoyable drift dive.

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Cathedral (max 30m/100ft) - This site can be dived either way depending on the prevailing currents. This is a steeply sloping reef starting at 5m/15ft and descending down to the sandy sea floor.

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Almond Tree

About a 15 minute drive to the Almond Tree from the harbour is a nice sloping reef, usually dived as a gentle drift dive from South-North, great for beginners or advanced with a max depth of 21m/70ft, ending the dive on the shallow coral heads for the safety stop. gorgonian tree field of them.

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Brown’s Bay

Just a quick boat ride from our dive shop in Port Elizabeth, is this stunning dive for beginners through to intermediate, starting at 5m/15ft and gently sloping down to 15m/45ft. Usually the current runs South-North so it makes for a wonderfu drift dive, following along the reef as the current takes you.

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North-West Point

North-West Point a truly memorable dive for intermediate divers along a healthy, vibrant reef which starts at 7m/25ft and drops to 25m/82ft. This site is dived depending on the current.

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Coral Nursery

Very close to the dive shop, within just a few minutes boat ride is an coral nursery. Fragments of coral are attached to self-made ’trees’ to try to encourage them to grow. Ask the center about the current coral restoration projects or get certified in Coral ID!

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Devil’s Table

Devils Table (max 18m/60ft) - Our closest dive site, this is a great dive for both beginners and intermediate divers. Starting in the sheltered Rocky Bay you make your way along the reef which gradually gets deeper and the dive ends at the mooring after the cardinal marker. Great dive for macro photographers!

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