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Dive sites nearby


Leaving Murter, toward the west, Visovac is the first island you will see. Look for a white cubic stone on the east side and anchor in front of this stone. The dive site covers an area of approximately 100m x 100m and is nicely structured.

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The Kukuljari is a group of islands located in the SW of Murter Island. The dive sites are on the island closest to Murter with the light-house. Kukuljari offers 3 options for diving: the west side is sheltered and offers a perfect anchor ground and the northwest cape is a small cavern with colorful sponges at 22m.

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This dive starts south of a small rock next to Kablinac. After some fin-strokes above sea grass you reach a sandy plateau. The wall starts next to it in approximately 20-25 m of water. The wall goes around the island from SW to SE. Follow it with your right shoulder and you will find yellow gorgonians, to your left you will find red ones.

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Samograd is the most southern island of the Kornati. In front of the island a wall can be found that travels from south to north. You can see red fan corals starting at 22 meters deep. Pay a visit to the small plateau in 33m where lobsters can be found.

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Kamenar, the “Stone-Hill,” is located E of the island Zut. An underwater rock comes up close to the surface. The upper plateau is structured in soft hills, an ideal anchor ground and a nice area for your safety stop. Though it is outside Kornati National Park it shows the same type of landscape.

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Francesca di Rimini (Wreck)

Francesca di Rimini was an ammunition/cargo ship that sunk during the 2nd World War. The wreck is overgrown with sponges and soft corals. The ship is under protection and Najada diving has the license to dive this wreck.

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Approaching Kaprije Island the same direction you would to Francesca, on the west side you will see a small cape marking the anchor area for this dive site. Under a small platform at a moderate depth you will find soft corals and colorful sponges, ideal for beginners and for a great second dive.

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A very nice underwater landscape. Dive over the drop-off, and on your left side you will see nice hills overgrown with Carophyllia. In about 20m a ridge branches off. Follow the hill until you find many different colored gorgonians in 35m of water.

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Behind the island of Samograd you will find a small rock protruding just above the water level. A wall running from NW to SE offers you an underwater landscape with two amazing gorgonian walls.

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Approach from the west until you see the drop off on the boat’s sonar. The north side of the wall has amphora and parts of old tubes. The wall is covered with yellow gorgonians. A perfect 2nd dive after diving Stuka.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.