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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

La Mula

5 minutes north of the bay, in the middle of our La Mula nature reserve, lies the underwater mountain. It impresses with its breathtaking aesthetics, abundance of fish and a hidden Aphrodite not far from the mountain. The maximum depth at this dive site is around 25-30m.

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Farayo / Großer Käse

Close to the port of Cala Ratjada you will see a huge rock rising from the sea called “Cheese” because it has a lot of holes, just like Swiss cheese. Without a doubt, this is one of the top spots in the Mediterranean Sea. Because of slight currents you will often find hunting barracudas or sardine shoals.

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Cap Freu

Cap Freu is our most distant dive site. The dive site extends up to 40 m, a swing was sunk at 32 m; This dive site also has a passage and a grotto in which you can dive. This diversity makes it one of the most popular diving spots for our guests.

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Cap d’Artrutx

The dive begins in the beautiful bay in the presence of the Cap d’Artrutx lighthouse, continues heading towards the tip of the cape and along the wall, we reach a depth of 17/18 meters. On the way back we can visit some caves with fun passages between the rocks.

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Cala Murta Menorca

This dive is usually done from land in the Raco de Xaloc to Punta de Sa Guarda, and is especially suitable for inexperienced divers and for night dives. The maximum depth is 13 metres and is usually started by entering from a platform or descending a few stone steps.

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Son Xoriguer

This dive is usually done from land in the Cala de Son Xoriguer and is especially suitable for inexperienced divers and for night dives. The maximum depth is 10 metres and is usually started by entering from a platform or descending a few stone steps.

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La Plataforma

This is a platform that was used in the construction, in the shape of a rectangular prism, which was used to carry out the work on the marina at Lake Cala’n Bosch. It is located at a depth of 40 metres, two and a half miles from the Port of Ciudadela. It is about 3 m high and about 25 m. long and 15 m. wide.

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Barracuda Point

This dive is usually done from land, although it can sometimes be done from a boat. From land we enter from the beach of Cala Blanca and dive westwards following the wall on our left. When we reach the beginning of Cala Blanca, we take a southeasterly direction, always having the wall on our left and we can return

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Bunker de Cala Blanca

This dive is usually done from land, although it can sometimes be done from a boat. From land we enter from the beach of Cala Blanca and dive westwards following the wall on our right. When we reach the beginning of Cala Blanca, we take a north-westerly direction, always having the wall on our right and retourn.

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La Chimenea del Promontorio

Sailing 10 minutes south from the port of Ciudadela, you will arrive at the coast of Cala Blanca where you anchor. This dive site is found at Punta Quintana and gets its name from the large chimney that rises vertically from 17 meters at the bottom to the top at 7 meters.

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