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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Green Lantern

Right next to the LNG terminals we start our journey around a cone that has formed near the coast. You can dive down to 32 meters here. At this drop off you can find many native animals that are perfectly in harmony with the play of the sun.

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Red Lantern

After anchoring close to shore we find our diving depth and swim with the shore on our right along a beautiful wall with large schools of fish and snails, jellyfish and other mollusks.

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Black Rocks

Not far from our dive center we anchor at Black Rocks. Under water we see two small wrecks of fishing boats and wide rock formations. As soon as we climb we can explore a landscape of overgrown rock formations and small caves.

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Pelagos Dive Center

Pelagos dive center house reef is perfect for discovery dives, training, equipment checks and refreshing scuba skills. Also great for some relaxing dives. Up to 5 m of depth it is confined water with mostly sand bottom and partly rocks. The maximum depth of 18 m can be reached.

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One nautical mile south of Njivice we anchor at the peninsula Ćuf. Our anchor drops to seven meters where we start our dive. From there advanced divers can explore the bottom of a stone wall full of life up to 32m. Beginners can enjoy the view from 18m until both groups meet at a pipeline where we return.

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This dive site is mainly used for all course open water dive training sessions. Shore entries are made from a Concrete/stone platform. The maximum depth is 18m.

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This site is best dived from a dive boat as there is little to no access from shore. The site is rocky pinnacle close to shore with steep drop off around the seaward side of the outcrop and shallow walls along the coast connecting the outcrop to the shore. The site is found near the small fishing village of Kraj

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House Reef Biser (Mošćenička Draga)

In the town of Moscenika Draga beach, locally known as Sipar beach, is a shore entry beach dive. It is accessed directly from the beach. The dive site is mainly within the protected swimming lines but the deeper section consists of a steep sandy slope extending down beyond 22 then shelving till 40m.

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Peltastis (Wreck)

The Peltastis wreck is located between Šilo and the bay of Klimno, a hundred meters from the northeastern coast of the island, at depths of 12 to 32 meters.

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Črni Mol

This is a shallow water dive training site for course confined water sessions. Safe shore entries can be made from a flat concrete/stone platform.

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