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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Sandy’s Plateau

Lots of hard coral including Elkhorn and Pillar coral, as well as many sponges and soft corals. A small overhang in the shallows often shelters schools of grunts. The dive site is between Jan Thiel beach and Mambo Beach and not accessible from shore.

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Divers Leap

Beautiful healthy shallow coral reef with plenty of purple sea fans, large formations of elkhorn coral, pillar coral, and staghorn corals. A very nice steep wall starting at about 10 meters / 30 ft with lots of small holes and overhangs.

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The mooring for this dive is located ten minutes by boat East of Mambo Beach, with the Saba wreck sitting at 15ft/5m. The shallows alternate between sandy areas, soft corals and hard coral. The drop-off is covered in hard coral and runs parallel to the coast for the most part. This site can have a slight current.

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Beacon Point

This beautiful wall dive at the western tip of Caracas Bay is best reached by boat and, due to possible strong currents, is best done as a drift dive. On the shallow plateau, you will find large pillar corals.

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Cornelius Bay

Very nice dive to the left of the Sea Aquarium. Can be hard to reach, however, with a bit of a climb. When entering from shore watch out for the shallow elkhorn coral formations.

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Lost Anchor

The spot is named after the anchor line that runs into the depths here and is truly a hidden gem for divers. The spot is, certainly compared to other spots in the bay, unspoilt!

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Ship Wreck Point

Ship Wreck Point is a dive site in front of the Sea Aquarium and is best done from a dive boat. The beautiful coral reef wall is at its best between 10-20 m / 30-60 ft. A big anchor and large propeller can be found at 10m / 30ft. For the tech diver, there are 2 small shipwrecks laying on a ledge at 50 m / 150 ft.

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Royal Reef

This dive site is named after the hotel next door. It is a short swim from the beach or by boat. The site starts shallow but there is a wall right away where you can dive perfectly.

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A great, shallow reef perfect for newer divers and snorkelers. Accessible by boat. Full of colorful hard and soft corals and sponges and lots of marine life.

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Stella Maris / Ocean Encounters

This is a great house reef dive located from the shores of the Lions Dive and Beach Resort. Shore accessible, this site is perfect for newer divers and snorkelers and sits right inside the Curacao National Marine Park.

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