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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

L’ile bleue/Blue Island

An isolated peak in the blue that we call Blue Island. At the entrance to Cook’s Bay, this dive is done when visibility is good and requires swimming in the blue before ascending into the coral canyon.

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From N1 or Open Water. Maximum depth 15m. Dive along the outer reef with thousands of juvenile fish.

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Aquarium de Cook

Less than 5 minutes away from the diveshop, a perfect dive site for beginners : introductory dives, refresher dives, first lessons of training (Open Water Diver) : shallow and without current. A sandy bottom with a lot of coral potatoes housing a rich underwater fauna.

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Mur de corail/Coral Wall

Located just outside of Opunohu’s Bay, you’ll dive between coral canyons and gentle slopes, offering dives accessible to all in depths of 15-20m.

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Mamaru is the Tahitian name for the white-tip sharks we come across on this dive site. A gentle slope to the sand spit where we can meet turtles and sharks.

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Eden Park

From Level 1 or Open Water. Maximum depth 29 meters. Diving in a beautiful coral garden, with sharks, turtles, barracudas, clown fish in the anemones...

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Canyons - Moorea (Tahiti)

The Canyon dive site is located off the mysthical Ōpūnohu Bay in Moorea. The underwater life is varied : anemones with clown fish, turtles or even black tip sharks.

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La passe de TIaia

Passe de Tiaia is a drift dive with a drop-off on either side. A dive where we can see schools of eagle rays, schools of jacks and nurse sharks or white tip sharks.

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Privileged place to observe giant morays, sharks and all kind of reef fishes. It is a favorite dive site for beginners and first time divers in Moorea.

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At Temae, an easy-to-explore dive that starts on a coral plate at 15m before descending a gentle slope with several tongues of sand with sharks. Have a look in the blue, schools of fish are never far!

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