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Dive sites nearby

Migdalor Beach חוף המגדלור

This site drops off at a 45 degree angle starting from the shore to more than a 100 meters (300 feet) deep. The area is full of coral and sea creatures and is Ideal for deep and shallow dives. It is also a great place for night diving in the shallow area.

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Eilat IUI מתקני

On the North-west corner of the red-sea, near the busy mall and touristic zone, the remains of what meant to be an underwater restaurant are an active dive site. Entry from the shore, in “Kisuski beach“, with 20 meters of dive to reach the site. The dive route is around the building, at different depths.

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Japanese Garden Eilat - הגנים היפנים

One of the best places to dive in Eilat. Accessible by boat only, Japanese Garden is part of the marine reserve. The protected status of this site allows corals to grow and fish to thrive. There are two main dives: a shallow dive up to 15 meters (45 feet) and a deep dive up to the recreational limit.

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Yealat Wreck, Eilat יעלת

A tourist ship with glass windows at the bottomThe Wreck Located about 500 meters north of the underwater observatory and close to the buoy of the Japanese Gardens.The Wreck is located at a 48-55 meters depth.

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Three Sisters - שלושת האחיות

Three large pinnacles (thus, 3 Sisters) are about 100 meters (300 feet) apart. All three are roughly 20 meters (60 feet) from the shore. The bottom is about 6 meters (18 feet) deep and the pinnacles rise nearly to the surface. You can enter from the north or south. It is advisable to check currents and plan accordingly.

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The Protected Area - השמורה

A nice rich drop off with lots of coral. The main attraction is all the large stony corals, reaching diameters of 2 meters (6 feet) or more. Visibility and conditions are always good. On the way back you can visit Moshe pinnacle and Ah’aron pinnacles which are full of life and very interesting.

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המערות, אילת

Just across the road from Snuba diving club, located one of the most popular diving sites in Eilat.The site is a great place for intro dives and also offer an advance option.

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Veronica - וורוניקה

A very nice shore dive full of corals. You can do a shallow dive near the shore with a max depth of 6 meters (18 feet) or a deep dive further out. There is a large shallow plain before the bottom starts dropping off at a 60 degree angle. There can be light currents in the area so check and plan accordingly.

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Princess Beach - חוף הנסיכה

A very nice shallow dive ideal for beginners. You enter and exit from one of two boardwalks or from dedicated, well marked spots on shore. The dive takes you along the shore coral band at 4-6 meters (12-18 feet) deep.

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Tamar Eilat - שונית תמר

Tamar is an artificial reef placed in 2007. It was specifically designed to create a reef and growing bed for marine life. Located at 8 meters (24 feet) deep, it rises up to a depth of 2 meters (6 feet).

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